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Crafting the Future of Scent & Taste: Bell Welcomes New Talent and Celebrates Promotions

Crafting the Future of Scent & Taste: Bell Flavors & Fragrances Welcomes New Talent and Celebrates Promotions


Global Company Positioned for Continued Success in Innovation and Partnerships with Industry-Leading Expertise

NORTHBROOK, Illinois – August 21, 2024 – Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Bell) is proud to reveal strategic leadership changes within the company’s U.S. Fragrance, Quality Control and Marketing (Flavors) divisions at its global headquarter in Northbrook, IL.

“I’m excited to see the change management and growth these promotions and new hires bring to Bell Flavors & Fragrances,” exclaims Ron Stark, President & CEO.

Roberto Olivi has been promoted to Senior Vice President and Commercial General Manager for Bell’s Fragrance Division, previously serving as the company’s Vice President of Fragrance Sales.

In his new role, Roberto is responsible for directing the strategic vision and commercial growth of Bell’s Fragrance division. His extensive experience and innovative approach are set to drive Bell’s Fragrance Division into a dynamic era of success and expansion.

Roberto earned his Master of Business Administration degree in Competitive and Organizational Strategy and Marketing from the University of Rochester Simon Business School and his Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo.

Kenny Enriquez has been promoted to Vice President of U.S. Fragrance Sales. Kenny joined Bell in September 2013, previously serving as the Director of Fragrance Sales.

In his new position, Kenny will oversee the Fragrance Sales division, ensuring a continued focus on growth and performance through all stages of the customer experience.

Kenny earned his Master of Business Administration degree from Lewis University and his Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Kansas.

Emine Pargov has been promoted to Director of Quality – Flavors. She joined Bell in March 2014 as a Quality Technician and quickly advanced in her career path.

In her new role, Emine will ensure that Bell’s quality control and systems are executed with excellence so the company continues to deliver superior ingredients to customers.

Emine earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Illinois – Chicago.

Jennifer Lucas assumes the position of Bell’s new Director of Marketing – Flavors, bringing over 20 years of marketing leadership in the food and beverage industry.

In her new position, Jennifer will develop strategic marketing programs engaging Bell’s cross-functional teams to connect future and valued customers to exceptional flavor experiences.

Jennifer earned her Master of Product Design & Development degree from Northwestern University and a Bachelor of Science degree in both Marketing and Fashion Merchandising from Bradley University.

Please join Bell Flavors & Fragrances in celebrating these career milestones as they continue to strengthen Bell’s collective expertise and deliver on the company’s commitment to efficiency, quality and excellence for customers.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 110 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has 12 manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, India, Singapore, Malaysia, and China, with sales offices in more than 90 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.™

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Vivencias: Creando experiencias a través de las Fragancias

Vivencias: Creando experiencias a través de las fragancias

En Bell, te invitamos a explorar este viaje de aromas y recuerdos con nosotros.

Guadalajara, Jalisco – Junio, 2024 – Las fragancias tienen el poder de transportarnos a lugares lejanos y recordarnos momentos y personas específicas gracias a la conexión directa entre el olfato y el cerebro. Esta íntima relación entre aroma y emoción nos permite experimentar sensaciones profundas y personales que conectan frecuentemente a los productos con los consumidores.  

En Bell Flavors & Fragrances de México, exploramos este vínculo emocionante entre las fragancias y los sentimientos. A través de un estudio con consumidores mexicanos identificamos las notas olfativas que despiertan emociones positivas y evocan recuerdos memorables.  

Con base en estos hallazgos, nuestro equipo de Investigación y Desarrollo de Fragancias ha creado cinco fragancias inspiradas en cinco experiencias de vida.

Estas fragancias fueron validadas con nuestro panel de evaluación sensorial para garantizar la calidad y el impacto emocional de cada aroma, en este artículo hablaremos más de cada una de ellas. 


¿Alguna vez haz quedado flechado por el perfume de una persona mientras ibas caminando por la calle? 

Ese instante mágico puede desatar un encuentro de miradas y una conexión profunda que podría ser sólo el principio de una historia que nos puede dejar completamente fascinados. Para el primer encuentro, planeamos todo para que sea perfecto: Nuestro outfit, el peinado, la comida… decides si quieres disfrutar de esta etapa de conquista en un restaurante un café o, tal vez, paseando mientras disfrutan de la vista y conocen nuevos lugares.  

El perfume que decidas usar en esa ocasión tan especial será el sello para que esa persona especial te recuerde. Las principales notas olfativas relacionadas con estas vivencias y con el romanticismo son: rosas, frutos rojos, miel, fruta en almíbar y vainilla, y las sensaciones relacionadas con estos momentos son las texturas suaves y cremosas. 

Inspirados en estas vivencias, nuestro perfumista ha creado una fragancia inspirada en este momento de conexión romántica:  

 Love Story es una esencia que hace recordar las notas de frutos rojos, creando una percepción suave y dulce como la de un cheesecake que evoca al romanticismo de esos mágicos momentos.  




La aventura es una forma de vivir que nos permite disfrutar de nuevos paisajes, sabores, olores, personas ¡Y llegar más lejos!  Una persona que persigue la felicidad mediante la exploración de nuevas vivencias se sumerge en cada experiencia y no aguarda a que se la relaten. Es apasionado de vivir cada momento de una manera diferente. 

El cambio de entorno a través de viajes o actividades recreativas es una característica de este estilo de vida que alimenta a ese espíritu aventurero con momentos de paz. Es por eso que cuando una persona aventurera conquista su meta, alcanza una relajación psicológica y física que además le permite conectar con sus emociones y su autenticidad. 

Las fragancias relacionadas con este tipo de experiencias son: menta, hierbabuena, herbal, eucalipto, frutos azules, pepino, y las sensaciones con las que se asocia son el frescor, el frío, las texturas espumosas, y la suavidad.

En Bell creamos Unexpected, un delicioso aroma que transmite una sensación de frescura y libertad. Sus notas de pepino y menta aportan frescura para vivir sin límites.



Sentir la adrenalina en nuestro cuerpo nos hace vibrar para llevar a cabo nuestras actividades durante el día.  

La sensación única al estar en movimiento permite despertar los sentidos. Actividades como el baile, divertirte con tus amigos, jugar y pasear a tu mascota pueden dar esa explosión de energía que ayudan a mejorar tu salud física y emocional viviendo siempre al ciento por ciento. 

Las fragancias que nos brindan una sensación de movimiento los podemos encontrar en los acordes con notas cítricas, como las notas de limón, bergamota y mandarina, hasta en las notas del café y la guaraná, y en las riquezas olfativas del jengibre.

Las sensaciones que se asocian a este mood de energía son las sensaciones frías y refrescantes, con texturas de gel o acuosas. Para encender la sensación de energía, nuestro perfumista creó Citric Explosion.

Esta deliciosa fragancia combina el frescor de la mandarina con las propiedades del aloe vera crea sinergia con otras notas cítricas para dar un shot energizante a quien se deleite con este aroma. 



La vida es una fiesta, y se puede celebrar a través de los cinco sentidos:  a través del oído disfrutando de la música que te hace querer bailar, a través del gusto saboreando bebidas con tus sabores favoritos, a través de la vista con luces y colores vibrantes, con el tacto al sentir la energía en lo que te rodea, y con el olfato, a través de aromas que despierten tu diversión.  La vida se puede celebrar todos los días, y sobre todo en fechas especiales como cumpleaños, logros o hitos de vida. 

Evocar momentos que nos hacen estallar de alegría, confianza y vivir la algarabía del momento hasta tener la piel erizada no permiten experimentar al máximo con fragancias con notas divertidas, frutales, y con notas explosivas cítricas, frescas e incluso inspiradas en notas de alcohol.  

Nuestra fragancia Habana Club materializa este concepto en una fragancia inspirada en un mojito, perfecta para evocar la sensación de disfrutar una refrescante bebida en una animada fiesta.



Cada persona posee una autenticidad única, que se derrocha cuando se valora ser quien uno es, y luchar por vivir con la vitalidad y energía que refleja el carácter de ser uno mismo logrando convertir cualquier meta en realidad. En este viaje, el héroe se convierte en el arquitecto de su propia realidad que desafía cualquier expectativa. 

Cada momento se convierte en una oportunidad para explorar, para descubrir la belleza oculta en lo ordinario y para conectar con la esencia de sí mismo.  

Renegade ejemplifica esta forma de vivir tan masculina, única, fuerte y auténtica inspirada en el hombre que vive fiel a sí mismo y rebelde hacia las expectativas de los demás. 

Esta fragancia maderosa, con notas de cuero, herbales, cítricas y almizcladas transmite una sensación de conexión con la fuerza interior y una afirmación de la masculinidad, evocando la pasión y tenacidad del hombre que decide usarla. 



Despertando Emociones: La Importancia de las Fragancias en la Creación de Productos Memorables 

Es fascinante cómo una fragancia puede dotar de personalidad y carácter a un producto. En Bell, comprendemos el poder de las fragancias para elevar la experiencia del consumidor y diferenciar un producto en el mercado. Es por lo que ofrecemos una amplia selección de fragancias, cada una cuidadosamente diseñada para despertar emociones, evocar recuerdos y crear una conexión única con el usuario. 

Nuestra extensa librería de fragancias abarca una variedad de perfiles olfativos, desde los cálidos y envolventes aromas maderosos hasta las refrescantes y revitalizantes notas herbales. Cada fragancia es una obra maestra en sí misma, elaborada con ingredientes de la más alta calidad y meticulosamente equilibrada para garantizar una experiencia sensorial inigualable.

En Bell, nos enorgullecemos de nuestra capacidad para colaborar estrechamente con nuestros clientes, comprendiendo sus necesidades y objetivos para crear fragancias que se alineen perfectamente con la identidad de su marca y el perfil de su producto.


Nuestro equipo de expertos en fragancias está dedicado a superar las expectativas y ofrecer soluciones innovadoras que agreguen valor a cada producto que tocan.

¿Estas buscando nuevas fragancias o inspiración para el desarrollo de tus productos? ¡Contáctanos! Escríbenos a o también puedes compartirnos tu información para que uno de nuestros ejecutivos te contacte en el siguiente formulario: 

Contacto Bell Flavors & Fragrances México

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Bell Among Top 15% of Companies Awarded Silver Medal Certification by EcoVadis for Global Sustainability Achievements

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Among Top 15% of Companies Awarded Silver Medal Certification by EcoVadis for Global Sustainability Achievements


Global Flavors and Fragrance Company Earns Exceptional Sustainability Rating from International Assessment Platform for Fourth Consecutive Year

NORTHBROOK, Illinois – May 29, 2024 – For the fourth consecutive year, Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (“Bell”) was awarded a silver medal by EcoVadis in recognition of global sustainability achievements. This year, Bell earned its rank among the top 15% of companies securing a silver medal, marking a significant first in the company’s history.

Mike Smith, Bell’s new Vice President of Flavors and Fragrances, Quality Compliance, Operational Excellence and Environmental Health & Safety, drives the company’s global sustainability program, ensuring compliance with relevant sustainability and quality management certifications.

“Bell is a family company rooted in tradition, hard work, and resiliency for over 100 years. We take great pride in everything we do at Bell. Embracing sustainability at all levels is a core value which builds upon our environmental awareness and conservation base,” said Smith.


A Trusted Provider of Global Business Sustainability Ratings


EcoVadis provides holistic sustainability ratings that cover a range of systems including environmental, labor, human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. To date, EcoVadis has rated over 75,000 partners worldwide including some of the world’s largest organizations while positively impacting the environment and fostering transparency.

Bell’s partnership with EcoVadis challenges the company to track and communicate progress against its sustainability initiatives in a clear, transparent and standardized manner while providing full visibility to clients and the industry.

Bell’s Commitment to Transparent Supply Chains


Bell is proud to partner with strategic suppliers that focus on sustainability and responsible sourcing to provide solutions for customers and consumers that demand transparency and alignment with their social and environmental values.

As a signatory member of the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) – International Organization of the Flavor Industry (IOFI) Sustainability Charter, Bell’s corporate sustainability program is built around five pillars that align with IFRA-IOFI’s focus areas and commitments: 1) Responsible Sourcing, 2) Environmental Footprint, 3) Employee Well-Being, 4) Product Safety, and 5) Transparency.

Bell is committed to making a difference for the planet and its customers, and its passion for the environment drives the company to protect ecosystem use as well as supply chain health and safety.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 110 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has 11 manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, India, Singapore, and China, with sales offices in more than 90 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.™

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Bell Unveils New Executive Leadership Appointments at Global Headquarter in Northbrook, IL

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Unveils New Executive Leadership Appointments at Global Headquarter in Northbrook, IL


Bell U.S. Strengthens Strategic Vision for the Future of Flavor Possibilities

NORTHBROOK, Illinois – May 21, 2024 – Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Bell) is proud to announce strategic executive leadership changes within the company’s U.S. Flavor and Quality Compliance, Operational Excellence and Environmental Health & Safety divisions at its global headquarter in Northbrook, IL.

“Congratulations on all well-deserved promotions at Bell Flavors & Fragrances.  I thank these experts for their leadership and look forward to their continued success as they inspire Bell employees to uphold total customer satisfaction,” exclaims Ron Stark, President & CEO.

Cody Heinz has been promoted to Vice President of U.S. Flavor Sales at Bell’s headquarter in Northbrook, IL.  Since joining Bell in September 2012, Cody has held positions with increased responsibility, most recently serving as the Director of U.S. Flavor Sales.

In his new leadership role, Cody will drive the strategic direction of and oversee Bell’s Flavor Sales division, with a continued focus on growth and performance through all stages of the customer experience.

Cody earned his undergraduate degree from Miami University and Master of Business Administration degree from the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management. He is actively involved in the flavors and fragrances industry and holds a variety of professional appointments, such as being part of the National Confectioners Association’s (NCA) 2024 Class of Future Leaders, 2025 Western Candy Conference Chairman and serving as a committee member for the Flavor Extract Manufacturers Association, NCA and more.

Justin Kozlowski has been promoted to Vice President and Commercial General Manager of Flavors at Bell’s headquarter in Northbrook, IL. He joined Bell in June 2023, previously serving as the Vice President of Beverage, Flavor Creation & Application.

In this new role, Justin will manage Bell’s Flavor Sales, Creation, Application and Administration teams. He will ensure that Bell’s go-to-market strategy is executed with excellence, bringing targeted consumers closer to our customers’ brands through superior flavor experiences.

Justin earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from DePaul University, a Master of Science degree in Food Science from the University of Illinois and a Master of Business Administration degree from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. As a Certified Flavorist, he has been in the flavor industry for 20 years and is currently active as a Society of Flavor Chemists board member.

Mike Smith has been promoted to Vice President of Flavors and Fragrances, Quality Compliance, Operational Excellence and Environmental Health & Safety. Mike has been with Bell since July 2020, previously serving as the Senior Director of Manufacturing at Bell’s Middletown, NY facility. He will now be based in Northbrook, IL.

In his new role, Mike assumes executive leadership and is responsible for overseeing and developing strategies, policies and procedures for Bell’s Quality Compliance, Operational Excellence and Environmental Health and Safety teams.

Additionally, Mike will be responsible for maintaining relevant sustainability and quality management certifications and ensure ongoing compliance with local and federal food, chemical and occupational safety regulations.

Mike earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Government and History from the University of Notre Dame and his Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. He is both HACCP and PCQI-certified.

Kenneth Beecher has been promoted to Director of Manufacturing at Bell’s Middletown, NY site. Kenneth has been with Bell since 2018, previously serving as the Associate Director of Manufacturing since 2022.

In his new role, Kenneth will manage all safety, quality and service goals in accordance with Bell policies, SQF standards and government regulations.

He’ll also lead the Middletown team as an active member of Bell’s Food Defense, HAACP, GMP, Food Safety and Quality Development and Recall teams while ensuring that departments ranging from Inventory Control to Quality Systems operate at peak performance.

Please join Bell Flavors & Fragrances in celebrating these noteworthy career achievements, as they deepen the company’s strategic mindset and expertise, and further propel Bell’s commitment to efficiency, quality and excellence for the company’s global customers.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 110 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has 11 manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, India, Singapore, and China, with sales offices in more than 90 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.™

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Bell Invites Attendees to Experience Nature’s Garden at Natural Products Expo West 2024

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Invites Attendees to Experience Nature’s Garden at Natural Products Expo West 2024


Global Flavors and Fragrances Company to Showcase Citrus and Botanical Mashups at Upcoming Tradeshow in Anaheim, CA from March 12-16 at Booth #1095

NORTHBROOK, Illinois – March 6, 2024 – Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Bell) will be heading to Natural Products Expo West (Expo West) from March 12-16, 2024 in Anaheim, CA.

Hosted and produced by New Hope Network, Expo West, the industry’s largest trade show, will spotlight the latest product innovations, including natural and organic food and beverages, ingredients and supplements, and clean beauty and home products. Expo West brings together CPG companies, retailers and emerging brands for five action-packed days of networking events and the exploration of new products and technologies revolutionizing the natural and organics world.

Bell’s flavor and fragrance teams have crafted a collaborative taste and scent experience showcasing their global Spark – Ignites Creativity, Inspires Senses® program tracking five key consumer Macro Trends impacting consumers today and in the future. Their booth theme, Experience Nature’s Garden, will lean into “A Better Me,“ a Macro Trend showcasing consumers’ desire to embrace healthy lifestyles and optimize longevity in a quest to achieve the best version of ‘you.’

“At Bell’s booth, you can experience the fusion of botanicals, flavors and fragrances by indulging your senses in the enchantment of nature’s garden. It’s not just an Expo, it’s an indulgence for our senses,” states Joan Harvey and Deborah French Wright, Senior Vice Presidents and General Managers of Bell’s Flavor & Fragrance Divisions.

Today, individuals now look beyond the basics of nutrition, hydration, and hygiene, seeking added benefits from functional ingredients, such as botanicals and essential oils, that support a holistic approach to their health and well-being. In fact, 76% of U.S. adults agree that natural ingredients offer more functional benefits than artificial ingredients (Mintel, 2023).

With consumer purchase behaviors top of mind, Bell will showcase the synergy of flavors and fragrances, debuting concepts that celebrate the harmonious blend of floral, spice citrus, and botanical pairings straight from nature’s garden.

Journey Through Nature’s Garden Via Innovative Concepts

At booth #1095, Bell’s samples will infuse fresh and natural flavors and scents:

Calm & Restore Fragrance

Top Note: Lavender, Bergamot, Ylang

Mid Note: Earl Grey Tea, Heliotrope, Muguet

Base Note: Amber, Vanilla, Sandalwood





Lavender and Earl Grey Tea Chocolate Bark with Blue Cornflowers

 Featuring Bell’s Earl Grey Tea Type and Lavender Flavors







Limequat and Fennel Pollen Snack Mix

Featuring Bell’s Limequat Type and Fennel Flavors







Strawberry Basil Non-Alcoholic Gin

Featuring Bell’s Strawberry, Basil (Thai Type) and Gin Type Flavors and Heat Sensate







Connect with the Bell Flavors & Fragrances Team at Booth #1095 

Bell offers 110+ year history in offering cutting-edge, natural and organic solutions for products that let flavors and fragrances shine. Visit Bell’s booth to connect with the company’s Sales, Marketing, Flavor R&D and Fragrance Creative teams and discuss flavor and fragrance solutions tailored to your brand.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 110 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has 11 manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, India, Singapore, and China, with sales offices in more than 90 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.™

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Bell Promotes Top Talent to Fuel Strategic Growth at Global Headquarter

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Promotes Top Talent to Fuel Strategic Growth at Global Headquarter


Global Flavors and Fragrance Company Unveils New Leadership Appointments in Northbrook, IL

NORTHBROOK, Illinois – February 13, 2024 – Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Bell) proudly announces strategic promotions within the company’s Flavor and Fragrance divisions as well as Consumer & Sensory Science and Customer Service departments at its global headquarter in Northbrook, IL.

“Bell Flavors & Fragrances continues to grow thanks to the strategic leadership of these individuals and the impact their teams are having on employee engagement and the customer experience,” notes Ron Stark, President & CEO.


Benjamin Stanley, CRC has been promoted to Director of Sweet Applications at Bell’s global headquarter in Northbrook, IL. In his new role, Ben will continue to grow Bell’s Sweet Dairy business and serve as lead technical support. He will also co-lead a cross-functional team leveraging Bell’s more than 110-year-long intellectual property legacy by curating internal technology capabilities and expanding them to new applications.

Ben holds a bachelor’s degree in culinary arts from Kendall College and a master’s degree in Innovation through Northeastern University’s D’Amore McKim School of Business. He is certified as a Research Chef by the Research Chef’s Association.

Vuk Levakov has been promoted to Senior Director of Beverage Applications at Bell’s global headquarter in Northbrook, IL.

In his new role, Vuk will continue to manage Bell’s Beverage Applications team and collaborate with cross-functional partners to develop and execute strategic plans. His additional responsibilities involve creating efficient processes and procedures for the team and improving the customer experience for Bell’s beverage clients.

Vuk holds a Master of Science degree in food science and human nutrition from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Andrew Petrou has been promoted to Flavorist, Savory Lab Manager at Bell’s global headquarter in Northbrook, IL.

In his new role, Andrew will lead day-to-day operations of Bell’s Savory Lab and spearhead the development of savory innovations and commercial projects to deliver best-in-class results to Bell’s customers. He will also continue training and educating a new generation of future flavorists.

Andrew holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and in 2023 became certified member of the American Society of Flavor Chemists.


Melissa Scharoff has been promoted to Junior Perfumer and Fragrance Evaluation Manager at Bell’s global headquarter in Northbrook, IL.

In her new role, Melissa will begin working as a Junior Perfumer, creating fragrances under the guidance of the Perfumery Team while continuing to work as a Fragrance Evaluator within the Fragrance Development Team.

Melissa holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in chemistry from the University of Rochester and was recently accepted as a member of the American Society of Perfumers.


Karen Graves has been promoted to Vice President of Shared Technical Services at Bell’s global headquarter in Northbrook, IL.

In her new role, Karen will lead the development and execution of the strategic vision and best-in-class service levels for Bell’s Technical teams. Karen will also co-lead a cross-functional team leveraging Bell’s over 110-year-long intellectual property legacy by curating internal technology capabilities and expanding them to new applications.

 Karen earned her bachelor’s degree in food industry and business and master’s degree in food science, specializing in sensory science, from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (U of I). She also holds a certificate in business administration from U of I.


Susan Payton has been promoted to Vice President of Customer Service at Bell’s global headquarter in Northbrook, IL.

Susan will be at the forefront of elevating customer satisfaction in her new role, overseeing and guiding Bell’s customer service operations. Her responsibilities include devising and executing strategies to enrich the customer experience, efficiently addressing challenges and fostering ongoing enhancements in Bell’s customer service processes.

Susan holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Please join Bell Flavors & Fragrances in celebrating these milestone career moments as they continue to strengthen Bell’s collective expertise and deliver on the company’s commitment to efficiency, quality and excellence for customers.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 110 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has 11 manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, India, Singapore, and China, with sales offices in more than 90 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.™

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Bell Releases 2024 Trend Predictions Via Spark – Ignites Creativity, Inspires Senses® Platform

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Releases 2024 Trend Predictions Via Spark – Ignites Creativity, Inspires Senses® Platform


Bell’s Annual Trends Program Spotlights Consumer Behaviors & Trends Seen Across the Globe

NORTHBROOK, Illinois – January 17, 2024 – Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Bell) debuts its 2024 global trend inspirations via the Spark–Ignites Creativity, Inspires Senses® platform. Since its inception in 2015, Bell’s Spark Trends platform is the essence of creativity and the future of influential trends in the flavor and fragrance industries, providing a unique, one-stop guide to what’s next in today’s ever-evolving consumer landscape.

Kelli Heinz, Vice President of Marketing & Industry Affairs, states, “This year, Bell’s Macro Trends continue to shine, reflecting deep-seated behaviors and trends impacting consumers, customers and the broader industry today and in the future. Collectively identified by Bell’s Global Marketing teams, they represent core behavioral and emotional values shared by all humans, which are applied to various regions and across all product categories. As we move into 2024, these boundless trends hold steadfast.”

“Refreshed in 2024 based on current shifts in consumer behaviors and popular culture, Bell’s Micro Trends represent fads shaping consumer experiences. The Micro Trend ‘Globetrotter’ is inspired by taste explorations from the Amalfi coast of Italy to villages of Japan and regional Chinese provinces like Sichuan (Szechuan), Hunan and Guizhou, all of which offer unique blends of spicy, sweet, sour and savory flavors. Consumers seek unique fusions, bizarre collaborations and multi-sensory experiences. And while they love to indulge and experience the unfamiliar, they crave food authenticity, label transparency, ethical solutions and more functional, clean label products in the everyday,” states David Banks, Senior Director of Marketing.

Explore Bell’s 2024 Macro and Micro Trends:


Consumers crave ways to engage their senses in new and unexpected ways, and the evolution of technologies makes it possible via ‘phygital’ formats – the fusion of physical and digital experiences.

The 2024 Horizons Micro Trends are:

CREATIVE FUSIONS: Fusing Unexpected Flavors and Fragrances to Unlock New Experiences
The quest for novel and unforgettable experiences has reshaped industries, and the blend of unexpected flavors and scents is forging a path toward unparalleled fusion adventures.

SENSORIAL SPARKS: Redefining the Boundaries of Sensory Perception
Consumers seek immersive experiences and products that redefine the boundaries of sensory perception. The future holds a world of exciting sensory delights where every bite and every scent tells a unique and personalized story.

GLOBETROTTER: Expanding Culinary Horizons and Unveiling New Senses Through Global Exploration
With the rise of technology, globalization, and a renewed emphasis on the importance of staying connected, consumers can embark on a journey of culinary and fragrance exploration via the comfort of their homes or physical travel.



This trend looks at the new dawn of ‘green’ innovation to safeguard the future of the planet, without sacrificing the familiar scents and taste sensations consumers continue to crave.

The 2024 Nature R*Evolution Micro Trends are:

PLANT INFUSIONS: Creating Sensory Experiences with the Power of Herbs and Botanicals
As part of a current (r)evolution, nature’s variety of herbs, botanicals, and plant extracts pair with advanced technologies to create sensorial experiences in flavors and fragrances.

CLEAN LABEL: Building Trust with Transparent Ingredient Information and Positive Global Impact
Brands are pressed to replace harmful ingredients and manufacturing methods with sustainable alternatives, all the while reducing carbon emissions in search of not just carbon neutrality, but climate positivity.

ENVIRONMENTAL TECH: Preserving Natural Resources and Securing Supply Chains with Science 
Sustainable technology holds the key to enhancing the flavors, smells, and appeal of natural ingredients and finished products. Environmental technologies help to future-proof supply chains and ensure food security on a global level.



This trend explores a fresh approach to the best version of ‘you’ as consumers demand personalization, natural solutions and an inward focus.

The 2024 A Better Me Micro Trends are:

Consumers have taken on a new approach to life, refocusing, reprioritizing and revitalizing their routines. Products and experiences must align with evolving lifestyles that emphasize balance, consistency and simplicity, all with health and wellness seamlessly integrated.

FUNCTIONAL: Elevating the Everyday with Added Benefits
Individuals look beyond the basics of nutrition, hydration and hygiene, seeking added benefits from functional ingredients that support a holistic approach to their health and well-being.

CUSTOMIZED WELL-BEING: Let’s Get Personal with Health and Wellness
Out with the one-size-fits-all approach and in with customization. Consumers embrace a ‘taking health into my own hands’ approach, demanding solutions that speak to holistic wellness and their ‘healthspan.’



Don’t delay rewards! Consumers are embracing indulgences, ‘newstalgia’ and flavors
and fragrances that spark instant joy – unapologetically.

The 360º Rewards Micro Trends for 2024 are:

FUTURE NOSTALGIA: A Forward Twist on Familiar Classics
Nostalgia has always held a powerful sway over our emotions and choices, transporting us back to simpler times and cherished memories. Future nostalgia emerges to enliven consumer interests by bringing back familiar classics with a new twist.

INTENTIONAL INDULGENCE: Saying ‘YES’ to Premium Finds and Small Splurges
Consumers are counteracting years of giving up simple pleasures and saying “no”, to now saying “yes” to premium finds and small splurges of the flavors that bring the most joy. 

MADE FOR ME: Elevation of Personalization
In an era defined by individualism and the desire for unique experiences, personalization has become a driving force in various industries. Crafting one’s personal brand within these markets is not only possible but increasingly essential.



Consumers remain keenly aware of human connections across the globe,
championing diverse heritage, authentic values and sustainable products.

The 2024 Tree of Life Micro Trends are:

NATURALLY SUSTAINABLE: Cultivating Novel Ways to Sustain our Environment
The food, beverage, and fragrance industries are proactively adopting naturally sustainable practices to future-proof their businesses to meet current consumer trends, secure their long-term success and drive sustainability initiatives.

COOLTURA: Mindfully Embracing Human Cultural Connections
This trend entails crafting authentic products that celebrate the rich diversity of global cultures, from traditional recipes in the food sector to culturally inspired beverages and fragrances.

HYPER LOCAL: Rediscovering Local Roots and Authentic Experiences
Hyperlocal emphasizes the sourcing and consumption of products from extremely local sources, fostering a stronger connection between consumers and their immediate communities.

“It’s exciting to be part of an industry that embraces these fast-moving trends, weaving them into communication strategies all the way to product innovation and everything in between,” notes David Banks, Senior Director of Marketing.

Want to learn more? To request a Spark Trends presentation, complete with inspirational flavor and fragrance concepts that bring the Macro and Micro trends to life, please reach out to

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 100 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has 11 manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, India, Singapore, and China, with sales offices in more than 90 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.™

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Bell Invests in New Consumer Science Sensory Center at Global Headquarter in Northbrook, IL

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Invests in New Consumer Science Sensory Center at Global Headquarter in Northbrook, IL


Leading Flavors & Fragrances Company to Enhance Consumer Product Research for U.S. Customers

NORTHBROOK, Illinois – November 15, 2023 – Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Bell) announces the expansion of their Global Consumer & Sensory Science organization by investing in a fully equipped, best in class Consumer Science Sensory Center at Bell’s global headquarter in Northbrook, IL.

This investment demonstrates Bell’s commitment to its global strategy and heightened focus on putting the consumer first. Consumers experience products via an interplay of their five key senses, allowing them to engage in products in unique ways. This Center will infuse consumer voice into the creation process to inspire memorable flavors and fragrances that fit brand, performance, and emotion.

With its roots at Bell’s Northbrook campus, the company’s Consumer & Sensory Science (CSS) professionals work hand-in-hand with its Flavor and Fragrance teams to foster deep collaboration and creativity.  The Center enhances Consumer Sensory capabilities locally and is integral to Bell’s global CSS team, with locations in the U.S., Mexico, Germany, and Colombia.

The plans for the investment include a new, 6,500 square foot Consumer Science Sensory Center, set to open in Q4 2024. The Center will house Bell’s CSS team and include space for a focus group room with a viewing area, testing booths, kitchen, reception area, and workspaces. Following the grand opening, Bell’s customers will have the opportunity to tour the facility and discuss utilizing the Center’s capabilities.

Karen Graves, Bell’s Senior Director of Consumer and Sensory Sciences, states “Consumers are the final users of Bell’s flavors and fragrances and we are very excited to incorporate their voice throughout the development process.”

Stay tuned for more information about Bell’s Consumer Science Sensory Center opening later in 2024.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 100 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has 11 manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, India, Singapore, and China, with sales offices in more than 90 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.™

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Bell Launches Citrus Campaign to Inspire Food, Beverage & Fragrance Marketplace Innovation

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Launches Citrus Campaign to Inspire Food, Beverage & Fragrance Marketplace Innovation


Citrus Fruits Provide Ripe Opportunity to Explore Flavors & Fragrances Beyond Iconic Tastes and Scents

NORTHBROOK, Illinois – September 21, 2023

Citrus, a beloved and refreshing fruit family, is prized by chefs and perfumers across the globe for its versatility, sweet-tart profile, and ability to elevate the food, beverage, and fragrance marketplace. And, consumers continue to lean into the squeeze! In the United States, 59% of consumers indicate that they like or love citrus and one-quarter (25.7%) of menus feature it (Datassential, 2023). With 56% of global consumers actively look for healthy ingredients in food and beverages (Euromonitor International, 2022), citrus flavors resonate particularly well among those looking to support their immune systems, boost vitamin C intake and elevate their mood.

Consumers are most familiar with orange-, lemon- and lime-based flavors and fragrances, which offer an approachable starting point for marketplace innovation. As they seek novel and sensorial experiences from products, they take interest in new citrus flavors and fragrances, but won’t follow through with a purchase unless they know it’s worth the spend. The industry can ease purchase decision stress and transition newer flavors and fragrances to mainstream palettes by pairing them with and relating to familiar, ‘hero’ elements that consumers know and trust.

“As consumers continue to seek out unique flavors and exotic fruits, our extensive line of citrus varietals offers a way for manufacturers to provide authentic taste experiences without the hassle or expense of sourcing these hard-to-find offerings. Our team of Flavorists and Perfumers have gone to extensive lengths to provide flavors and fragrances that take consumers on a journey around the world without leaving the comfort of their homes. We are excited to bring to life an international collection of rare citrus flavors that may never see the light of day due to their short shelf life or availability,” states David Banks, Senior Director of Marketing.

Citrus Flavor Solutions
While citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and limes continue to be go -to staples, consumers seek more niche and nuanced citrus flavor profiles and unique varietals from around the world to ignite their taste buds and broaden their palates. Bell offers iconic citrus flavors, such as Grapefruit, Mandarin Orange and Meyer Lemon in addition to specialty citrus flavors, like Buddha’s Hand and Peruvian Lime.

These flavors are available in a wide variety of formats and formulations (e.g., natural, organic) to meet product development needs and regulatory standards for a multitude of applications, ranging from baked sweet goods to ready-to-drink cocktails.

For more sweet-tart inspiration, view Bell’s featured citrus flavor list.

Citrus Fragrance Solutions
With its refreshingly tangy and fragrant profile, Bell features citrus in a variety of natural, plant forward offerings:

  • All Natural Blends: 100% natural fragrance creations – including bergamot, calamansi, kumquat and more
  • Aromatic Infusions: natural plant essence with a slight scent – including orange and grapefruit
  • Botanicals: natural plant essence with no scent – including lime, mandarin, tangerine and more

Bell’s unique fragrances and botanicals can help to differentiate products aesthetically and functionally in a wide array of applications, including personal care, home care and pet care.

Digital Promotions
Citrus Microsite

Bell’s citrus packed hub features a wide variety of educational resources for clients to tap into, including what’s trending in the world of citrus, flavor technology solutions for even the toughest R&D challenges, such as sugar reduction and bitterness masking, Bell’s Spark – Ignites Creativity, Inspires Senses® 2023 top consumer trends and much more.

Citrus Booklet
Included as part of Bell’s microsite, this citrus booklet offers insight into Bell’s unique approach to citrus flavor and fragrance development, highlights a plethora of citrus profiles ranging from buddha’s hand to pomelo, and spotlights featured citrus flavors and fragrance lists to get creative juices flowing.

Social Media Promotions
On Tuesdays through the end of October, Bell will share a weekly social media post featuring a unique and often overlooked citrus varietal across Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Follow Bell on social via the links below and stay tune for more sweet-tart goodness delivered straight to your social feed.

Get in touch with your Bell representative or reach out to our Sales team to discuss the opportunity for an in-person or virtual presentation featuring citrus flavor/fragrance demonstrations. To request citrus flavor or fragrance samples, please submit your request here.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:
Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 100 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has 11 manufacturing plants including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, India, Singapore, and China, with over 90 operating sales offices worldwide. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.

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Bell Captures Granular, Globally Relevant Consumer Behaviors and Industry Trends in 2023 Edition of Spark Trends Platform

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Captures Granular, Globally Relevant Consumer Behaviors and Industry Trends in 2023 Edition of Spark Trends Platform


Bell’s Annual Trends Program Explores Macro & Micro Trends Impacting Customers Here-And-Now

January 12, 2023 –

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Bell) recently announced new trend inspirations via their Spark–Ignites Creativity, Inspires Senses® platform. Since 2015, Bell’s Spark Trends platform is the essence of creativity and the future of influential trends in the flavor and fragrance industries. Spark provides a unique one-stop guide to what’s next in today’s rapidly changing consumer landscape.

Bell’s Spark Trends platform continues to track five global consumer Macro Trends that are impacting consumers today and into the near future, representing core behavioral values shared by all humans. They are seen around the world and serve as the foundation for more granular consumer behaviors on a micro level (i.e., Micro Trends). Micro Trends are closely tied to unique geographies, categories, flavors, fragrances and botanicals in the here-and-now. Bell tracks these trends closely in the U.S. and across regional locations.

“Predicting the most impactful trends of the future is challenging, but the Spark platform always starts with a common denominator: the essence of what makes us all human. When we think about Micro Trends, they are the phenomena firmly impacting consumers in the here-and-now. Micro Trends shape consumer experiences based on what’s happing in the current world and can be attributed to specific actions or changes in market or consumer dynamics. We’re thrilled to share them with the industry,” says Kelli Heinz, Vice President of Marketing & Industry Affairs.




From dreaming of a reality escape to embracing virtual celebrations and new ways of connecting digitally, consumers crave a new era of interconnectedness via physical and digital fusion called ‘phygital.

The New Horizons Micro Trends include:

EXTREME FUSIONS: Bold, new mashups can be found in co-branded meal and fragrance promotions, as well as food trucks and street food restaurants at the intersection of formerly separate cuisines, as consumers break boundaries and disrupt the mundane routines. ​

SENSORIAL SPARKS: There are millions of options to craft immersive experiences and products that redefine the boundaries of perception with titillating flavors and fragrances that engage the senses and create memorable moments.

NEW E-RA: The previous year’s trend towards escapism gains a digital dimension, as consumers’ minds and palates gravitate towards the metaverse as a place to discover and interact with foods, beverages and consumer products.



This trend looks at the new dawn of ‘green’ innovation to safeguard the future of the planet, without sacrificing the familiar scents and taste sensations consumers continue to crave.

The Nature R*Evolution Micro Trends include:

ALTERNATIVE EVERYTHING: Smart alternatives are taking center stage and consumer lifestyles continue trending towards healthier options, with vegetarian and vegan food choices in high demand and ‘flexitarian’ lifestyles as the new mainstream.

CLEAN LABEL: Brands are pressed to replace harmful ingredients and manufacturing methods with sustainable alternatives, all the while reducing carbon emissions in search of not just carbon neutrality, but climate positivity.

VALUE TECH: Nature made even more valuable and sustainable – with technology. Value-adding tech holds the key to enhancing the flavors, smells, and appeal of natural ingredients and finished products.



This trend explores a fresh approach to the best version of ‘you’ as consumers become immersed in holistic wellness and prioritize mental health, self-care and less crowded calendars.

The A Better Me Micro Trends include:

MOOD MODS: As this trend evolves, consumers will continue to gravitate toward natural remedies such as ‘good mood’ essential oils and products containing botanical extracts or food-grade botanicals to change the color on that mood ring. ​

BALANCING BLISS: The quest for achieving ‘health’ with a holistic focus will be intermingled with indulgent allowances as consumers turn to natural fragrances and products made with organic ingredients, while also honoring heritage cuisines and home cooked favorites.

FUNCTIONAL FINDS: Brands will be challenged to continue incorporating functional ingredients and adaptogens into food, beverage and fragrance products while maintaining the familiar tastes, textures and sensorial experiences that consumers know and expect.



Consumers have been searching for silver linings and are now giving themselves the permission to embrace escapism, indulge unapologetically and spark joy in unique ways.


The 360º Rewards Micro Trends include:

NEWSTALGIA: The twist that everyone loves. By using something new that harkens back to shared pop culture moments, brands can help unglue consumers from digital screens and dive into enjoyments of their own reality.​

LIMITED EDITION: Limited editions are about capturing a passing moment – in exclusive ways that motivate consumers to stand in line or make purchases at fleeting moments in time. They’re looking for the next new thing of tomorrow.

BACK TO BASICS: Traditional foods and scents provide a connection to the stories of our ancestors. Brands must take a step back and remember the good old days and what makes them special.



Consumers remain passionate about paying it forward to mother earth, but now are more aware of human connections across the globe, championing diverse heritage, authentic values and sustainable products.

The Tree of Life Micro Trends include:

FUTURE PROOF: The time has come for ‘future-proofing’ business models and supply chains, as global crises and inflationary pressures add urgency and require new ways to replace and rebuild resources, guided by global regulatory standards.

HUMAN CONNECTION: This is the time to thrive for brands that are paying it forward, whether creating sustainable and fair trade certified businesses in emerging economies or shining a light on underprivileged communities and their traditions.

HYPER LOCAL: While the trend towards exploration and discovery is back with a vengeance, the diversity of local communities starts to shine as consumers find the imprints of ethnic cuisines in their own communities.

Bell’s annual Spark program allows companies to stay abreast of the latest trends and market dynamics. It thereby fuels the flavor and fragrance industries with innovative ideas for new, forward-looking marketing and product development concepts that inspire consumers’ palates and invigorate brand initiatives.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:
Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 100 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has nine manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, and China. Bell operates sales offices in more than 60 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.

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Bell Achieves Top Rating in 12th Consecutive SQF Food Safety Program Audit at Northbrook Headquarter

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Achieves Top Rating in 12th Consecutive SQF Food Safety Program Audit at Northbrook Headquarter


Global Flavors and Fragrances Company Maintains Excellent Rating Across Four Global Locations

January 5, 2023 —

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Bell) is proud to announce the recent completion of their annual SQF Food Safety Program Audit conducted by the Safe Quality Food Institute. This past year marked the 12th consecutive Audit resulting in an ‘Excellent’ rating (96/100) achieved at their headquarter in Northbrook, IL. Each of Bell’s global locations, including Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, China and New York undergo this rigorous audit annually. Bell’s additional North American sites – Canada (96/100), Mexico (100/100) and New York (98/100) – also obtained the highest rating of ‘Excellent’.

“The SQF Food Safety Program is well-known across the food industry, utilizing a food safety and quality standard that is internationally recognized and emphasizes compliance in the application of HACCP for food safety hazards. Preparation required preparation and collaboration from various Bell departments, including Operations, Production, Quality Control, Safety and more, to ensure that all documents, systems and equipment are compliant to the SQF standard, and we’re proud to be continually recognized for our achievement,” states Kathleen Hoppie, Senior Quality System Manager.

The Safe Quality Food Program, as part of the Safe Quality Food (SQF) Institute, is a “rigorous and credible food safety and quality program that is recognized by retailers, brand owners and food service providers worldwide. Recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), the SQF family of food safety and quality codes are designed to meet industry, customer and regulatory requirements for all sectors of the food supply chain – from the farm all the way to the retail stores” (SQF Institute, 2023). A variety of SQF Programs are available for implementation at the supplier level (e.g., SQF Fundamentals Program and SQF Ethical Sourcing Program), with Bell actively participating in the three-day SQF Food Safety Program Audit spanning key categories such as waste disposal, water treatment, ventilation, food defense and more.

Bell is engrained in the safe production and storage of flavor ingredients and continues to explore ways in which they can reimagine food safety and quality. To learn more about Bell’s SQF Food Safety Audit (certification #: 110052 | 167419), click here.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 100 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has nine manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, and China. Bell operates sales offices in more than 40 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

About the Safe Quality Food Institute:

“The SQF (Safe Quality Food) Institute is a division of FMI, The Food Industry Association, established to administer the SQF Program, a leading, global food safety and quality certification and management system. Their mission is to deliver consistent, globally recognized food safety and quality certification programs that are based on sound scientific principles, applied across all industry sectors, and valued by all stakeholders. At SQFI, the goal is always food safety – and they are dedicated to not only writing a rigorous standard, but also developing comprehensive training, cohesive guidance materials, and free educational resources to help you along the way.”

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.

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Bell Debuts New Flavor & Fragrance Trend Inspirations via Spark – Ignites Creativity, Inspires Senses® Platform

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Debuts New Trend Inspirations via Spark–Ignites Creativity, Inspires Senses® Platform


Bell’s Annual Flavor & Fragrance Program Reveals Evolved Macro Trends With a Global Focus

December 13, 2022 –

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Bell) is thrilled to announce their new Spark Trends platform predictions. Since its inception in 2015, Spark provides a multi-faceted understanding of the global consumer landscape, blending a comprehensive knowledge of culinary influences, market dynamics and product innovations with consumer attitudes, usage and purchasing habits to understand what’s shaping the future of flavors, fragrances and botanicals.

“This year, Bell’s platform continues to track five key global consumer macro trends that are impacting mindsets today and in the future. These Macro Trends, collectively identified by our global marketing teams, represent the core behavioral values shared by all humans at this moment in time. As we move into another year of changes on a global scale, Bell’s Spark trends uncover various ways in which consumers are responding to current shifts,” says Kelli Heinz, Vice President of Marketing & Industry Affairs.

“Adventure, travel and unforgettable experiences are back on the menu as consumers pursue New Horizons of exploration in both the physical and virtual worlds. Holistic health and personal wellbeing are requiring everyday activities to be functional and mood enhancing. Moving forward, consumers continue to demand new and sustainable ways to connect with nature, optimized by ‘green’ innovation. They increasingly seek sensorial experiences rooted deep within authentic cultures while looking for that extra ‘spark’ to find rewards right here, right now,” according to David Banks, Sr. Director of Marketing.

Explore Bell’s new Spark Macro Trends:

A new era is on the horizon for humankind: From dreaming of a reality escape to embracing virtual celebrations and new ways of connecting digitally, we’re now craving a new era of interconnectedness via physical and digital fusion called ‘phygital.’ This trend is formerly a combination of Bell’s Escapism + Together Apart macro trends.

Plant-based, cruelty-free, and good for the planet: This trend looks at the new dawn of ‘green’ innovation to safeguard the future of the planet, without sacrificing the familiar scents and taste sensations consumers continue to crave. It is a new addition to Bell’s macro trends.

Health and wellness priorities, redefined: While physical and social aspects of health are here to stay, we’re immersing ourselves in holistic wellness, prioritizing mental health, self-care and less crowded calendars. This trend was formerly Bell’s Well-Balanced macro trend and explores a fresh approach to the best version of ‘you’.

Don’t delay rewards: We’ve been searching for silver linings – the everyday things that make us happy and bring comfort. Now, we’re giving ourselves the permission to embrace escapism, indulge unapologetically and spark joy in unique ways. This trend was formerly Bell’s Finding Silver Linings macro trend.

Everyone on the planet is connected by their environmental choices: We remain passionate about paying it forward to mother earth, but, now more than ever, we’re aware of human connections across the globe, and we are becoming champions of diverse heritage, authentic values and sustainable products as a means to making the world a better place for all. This trend was formerly Bell’s Global Consciousness macro trend.

Bell’s annual Spark program allows companies to stay abreast of the latest trends and fuels innovative ideas for new flavor and fragrance forward marketing and product development concepts that inspire consumer palettes and invigorate brand presence.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:
Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 100 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has nine manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, and China. Bell operates sales offices in more than 40 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.

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Bell Successfully Completes Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) at Northbrook Headquarter

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Successfully Completes Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) at Northbrook Headquarter


Global Flavors and Fragrances Company Continues to Advance Responsible Business Practices via 3rd Party Membership of IFRA-OIFI Sustainability Charter & Ethical Auditing

December 6, 2022 —

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Bell) is proud to announce the successful finalization of their 2020 Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) at their corporate headquarter (ZS1013925). As a signatory member of the IFRA-OIFI Sustainability Charter, the company closely tracks five focus areas including: 1) Responsible Sourcing, 2) Environmental Footprint, 3) Employee Well-being, 4) Product Safety, and 5) Transparency. In line with these goals, Bell is focused on improving their business value chain via responsible and sustainability-forward practices.

“As an active Sedex Corporate B member, Bell Flavors & Fragrances is committed to being a responsible business, sourcing with critical impacts in mind and improving ethical standards and working conditions within the supply chain. Having Sedex’s tools and services at our fingertips allows Bell to continually implement and improve sustainable business practices,” states Diego Darquea C., Vice President of Global Flavor & Fragrance Quality, Compliance and Safety.

Sedex is the largest and most recognized ethical data exchange platform and audit program with over 55,000 members in 180 countries, across 35 industry sectors, including food, agriculture, financial services, clothing and apparel, packaging and chemicals. The program’s voluntary, global certification is renewed annually, with Bell required to undergo a SMETA performed at five site-specific levels, including Illinois (corporate headquarters), New York, Mexico, Canada and Germany.

SMETA is one of the most widely used social audits in the world, conducted to understand labor and human relations conditions, such as the health and safety of workers. Through ethical trade auditing, Sedex focuses on three key areas, including: 1) Standards of Labor, 2) Health and Safety, and 3) Environment and Business Ethics. Customer and suppliers with access to the Sedex platform are able to view Bell’s full audit report, which has been added to the 40K+ SMETA audits uploaded to the platform annually.

Bell is proud to partner with suppliers and focus on sustainability and responsible sourcing in order to provide solutions for customers and consumers that demand transparency. From tracking our carbon footprint using the GHG Protocol to taking measures to minimize waste and handle disposal in a safe and regulated manner, Bell takes an active approach to maximizing positive environmental and social impacts on both a local and global scale while minimizing our footprint worldwide.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 100 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has nine manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, and China. Bell operates sales offices in more than 40 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.

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Bell Announces New Hires in the Marketing Department

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Announces New Hires in the Marketing Department

Marketing Team Adds New Talent and Strengthens Global Strategy


September 27, 2022 —

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Bell) is proud to announce new hires in the Marketing team at its headquarters in Northbrook, Illinois, Mexico and EMEA headquarters in Europe.

“We’ve strengthened our Global Marketing team with new additions, promotions and newly created positions to elevate our global marketing strategy and provide our customers with continued consumer and market insights relevant to the flavors, fragrance and botanical markets we serve. Bell is positioned globally to service locally and the new marketing talent will elevate our service strategy through our Global Spark trends program and many other global marketing initiatives,” states Kelli Heinz, VP of Marketing & Industry Affairs at Bell Flavors & Fragrances.

“These additions to the Global Marketing team will increase our understanding of the flavor and fragrance markets and bring the voice of the consumer into every product we develop. This allows us to focus greater efforts on deeper category insights and consumer understanding as it relates to flavor and fragrance trends, further expanding our Spark trends platform,” said David Banks, Senior Director of Marketing at Bell Flavors & Fragrances.

Renee King joins the Marketing team as a new Director of Marketing focused on the fragrance and botanicals divisions. Renee will create and execute new concepts, business models, and channels to position Bell as an innovator and leader in the flavor and fragrances industries. She will help build the Bell brand in the marketplace, activate new marketing campaigns, expand our marketing reach, enhance product development, and drive strategy around the fragrance and botanical divisions.

Renee comes to Bell with over 20 years of experience in the beauty and fragrance world focused on marketing, evaluation, strategy, branding and development with global fragrance houses and CPG companies. She earned her Master of Science degree in Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing from the Fashion Institute of Technology.

Sarah Campbell is Bell’s new Marketing Specialist with a focus on designing, creating, and delivering marketing programs to support expansion and growth of Bell’s services and products. Her role will be an integral part of the development and execution of marketing plans to reach targets, from brand awareness to product promotion. Sarah will work with the R&D and Application labs to prepare customer presentations.

Sarah joins Bell from an office supply company where she worked on numerous marketing initiatives, including social media, graphic design, videography, website, and virtual trade shows as well as serving as the point of contact for quarterly promotions. Sarah earned her Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a focus on Journalism from Michigan State University.

Dirk Vogel joins Bell as the new Senior Marketing Specialist where he will manage the development and execution of projects that support Bell’s key technologies, categories, customers and internal initiatives. Dirk will work cross-functionally to develop, produce and communicate promotional and collateral materials to support sales and proactive marketing programs, while leading customer presentations to clearly communicate Bell’s flavor and fragrance division capabilities.

Dirk has over 20 years of experience in marketing strategy, branding, communication and creative development. Prior to Bell, he worked as a freelance service provider helping companies in the CPG and e-commerce space build brands and execute fully integrated marketing plans. Dirk brings experience in journalistic/white paper writing, content marketing, market research, trend reporting, digital publishing and search engine optimization. He holds a Magister Artium degree in American Studies, Media Studies and Psychology from Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany and is proficient in both English and German.

Lindsay Parks is Bell’s new Marketing Communications and Social Media Specialist. Lindsay will be the main point of contact for all marketing communications and social media activity, and will help manage the development and execution of Bell’s internal and external communications strategies to drive business development efforts at key customers. She will work cross-functionally to develop, produce and communicate promotional and collateral materials to support sales and proactive marketing programs.

Lindsay brings experience in brand marketing, nutrition communications, social media management. She completed her Dietetic Internship at Vanderbilt University and earned her Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from Iowa State University.

Anna Lada joins Bell’s marketing team as a Senior Marketing Specialist. In this role, Anna will utilize secondary data and primary research to develop a deep understanding of the target consumer and leverages these insights to influence Bell’s overall marketing strategy and develop innovative products for our customers. She will help develop and implement strategies to maintain, manage, and grow internal marketing platforms and support external customers in growing their business through innovation and new product development efforts.

Anna has 20 years of experience in marketing and graphic design,  holding a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication from the Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago.

Antonia Federsel joins the global Marketing team and Bell family as the new Marketing Specialist in the flavor segment at Bell EMEA. In her new role at the Leipzig facility in Germany, Antonia will drive Sweet & Dairy projects and take care of cross-divisional flavor promotions such as RedSugar and the expansion of the company’s PlantFuture Platform, among others.

Most recently, Antonia was a marketing officer for a fashion company, with experience in product management, analysis preparation (international and assortment-relevant data), and implementing and monitoring marketing strategies, with a focus on online business. Antonia earned a Master of Science degree in Management and Marketing from Freie Universitaet Berlin.

Leon Kuttler joins the global Marketing team and Bell family as the new Marketing Specialist in the flavor segment. Based at Bell EMEA, his role as the company’s Marketing Specialist Savory includes working with R&D and the sales team to drive the Savory business forward. Leon will use his expertise and strategic understanding, as well as his creativity, to actively shape the future of the Savory Business Unit in the EMEA region.

Prior to joining Bell, Leon worked as a Category Development Manager for a global flavor company in Germany. Leon completed his studies in the field of Business Administration and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Berufsakademie Goettingen. He is currently finishing his Master’s degree in Business Psychology.

Jesscia Kalmring joins the global Marketing team and Bell family as the new Marketing Specialist in the fragrance segment.

In her role as Marketing Specialist Personal Care, Jessica will be responsible for innovation and custom marketing projects for personal care customers across EMEA and will work with R&D and Sales to drive Bell’s success in the PC space.

Jessica holds a degree in social media management. Most recently, she worked as a marketing representative for a manufacturer of professional hair care products. With her experience in marketing and hair care she will join Bell and develop new innovative product concepts for the customers to actively shape the future of the Savory Business Unit in the EMEA region.

Antje Wittich has been with Bell since – 2006 and took over as Head of Marketing in the EMEA region in February 2022.With her knowledge and experience in team leadership, she will drive Bell’s strategic, market-oriented development in the EMEA region together with her marketing team and push the further development of corporate communications in Europe, Middle East & Africa and Vietnam.

In addition to trend scouting, the development of product innovations and the strengthening of communication and social media activities, the organization and implementation of worldwide trade fairs are also on the agenda.

Lorenza Perez joins the global Marketing team as a Marketing Coordinator based in Mexico. In this role, she will be responsible for the implementing commercial strategies for the Mexico region, developing presentations, analyzing trends and research, and measuring the results of innovation initiatives, among other activities.

In her past roles, she was the Community Manager and Digital Marketing Intern for beauty companies where she created social media content and was in charge of digital customer service for the professional hair care category. Following those positions, she assumed the role of Regional Marketing Intern for North America and LATAM in retail styling products. Lorenza earned her marketing degree from UNIVA University and has a Community Manager diploma.

David Banks has been promoted to the position of Senior Marketing Director in Bell’s Northbrook headquarter. His role on the Marketing team is pivotal to creating and executing new concepts, business models and channels to drive Bell’s position as an innovation leader in the flavors and fragrances industries. In this role, he will plan marketing and branding objectives, analyze market trends and recommend marketing and business development strategies, overseeing advertising, press releases, email and social media campaigns and strategies.

Since joining Bell three years ago, David has led marketing projects with a significant cross-functional collaboration. He has secured a depth in understanding the Bell customer and the marketplace and has developed partnerships with key talent at Bell to help our customer determine and realize their current and future needs.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 100 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has nine manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, and China. Bell operates sales offices in more than 40 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.

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Bell Announces Promotions to Strategic Positions at Northbrook Headquarters

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Announces Promotions to Strategic Positions at Northbrook Headquarters


Global Flavors and Fragrances Company Supports Worldwide Strategy with Key Appointments

September 22, 2022 —

Megan Paul has been promoted to the role of Sensory Scientist at Bell’s headquarter in Northbrook, Illinois. In her new role, Megan will lead Sensory work for all Flavor Technology and Internal Formula Management Projects. She will also continue leading Flavor panels to support key flavor and product development efforts.

During her tenure at Bell, Megan has demonstrated strong drive for results and commitment to the Sensory Consumer Science discipline. Key accomplishments include strategic leadership of Sensory Panels for FMP label requirements and select Formula Management Projects. Megan also proved instrumental in efforts to increase efficiencies in panel set up and created SOPs for Lab Processes.  She is now a subject matter expert in Compusense and R Software and on track to complete her Graduate Certificate in Sensory and Consumer Science by end of 2022.

Noor Abo Alzahb has been promoted to the position of Sales Project Manager, based out of Bell’s Northbrook headquarter. In this role, Noor will be responsible for management and growth for a segment of customer accounts as well as processing incoming requests for potential customers by screening website and telephone inquiries.  She will continue to improve the Bell Flavors & Fragrances customer experience through process improvements and working directly with the Flavor and Fragrance sales teams to streamline work flow.  Another key responsibility consists of developing relevant reporting. Consequently, her efforts will continue to improve sales activity and win rates.  Additionally, Noor will be engaged in Sales Team projects including support for large group meetings and improving the customer experience.

Since joining Bell in 2019, Noor has been working as an Administrative Lab Assistant in Flavors. She commands extensive understanding of Bell customer and project systems that will prove key in her new role. Prior to Bell, Noor worked in positions with a strong focus on customer experience.

David Banks has been promoted to the position of Senior Marketing Director in Bell’s Northbrook headquarter. His role on the Marketing team is pivotal to creating and executing new concepts, business models and channels to drive Bell’s position as an innovation leader in the flavors and fragrances industries. In this role, he will plan marketing and branding objectives, analyze market trends and recommend marketing and business development strategies, overseeing advertising, press releases, email and social media campaigns and strategies.

Since joining Bell three years ago, David has led marketing projects with a significant cross-functional collaboration. He has secured a depth in understanding the Bell customer and the marketplace and has developed partnerships with key talent at Bell to help our customer determine and realize their current and future needs.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 100 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has nine manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, and China. Bell operates sales offices in more than 40 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.

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Bell Welcomes New Hires to U.S. Team

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Welcomes New Hires to U.S. Team

Global Flavors and Fragrances Company Acquires New Talent to Strengthen Multiple Divisions

September 19, 2022 —

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Bell) announces new hires to support strategic growth efforts at its headquarters in Northbrook, IL. These new additions will strengthen the Sales and Sensory/Consumer Insights teams.

Craig Dunlap joins the Flavor Sales Team as a Global Key Account Manager. In this role, he will manage Bell accounts in the Eastern and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States.

Craig began his journey in the industry as a product development scientist for several years before moving into sales. Once in the sales arena, he established a diverse background successfully supplying both ingredients and finished flavors to the prepared foods and beverage industries. Craig earned a Bachelor of Science in Food Science from the University of Delaware and a Masters of Business Administration from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business.


Jared Hamill joins the Bell family and Flavor Sales Team as a Global Key Account Executive. Jared’s responsibilities will include managing Bell accounts primarily in the Eastern region of the United States.

Jared started his career as a Product Development Scientist with a focus on beverage creation and development within alcoholic & non-alcoholic categories. After ten years in product development, he transitioned to sales and established himself as a successful sales professional. Jared earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology/Chemistry from Richard Stockton College of New Jersey and a Masters of Business Administration from University of Texas (Dallas).


Lydia Wang joins Bell’s Sensory team as a Sensory Scientist. In this role, Lydia will lead multiple initiatives, including sensory research for Bell’s fragrance projects, sensory descriptors for Bell’s product library and enhancing Bell’s descriptive panel program.

Lydia joins Bell with experience in Sensory Consumer Research. Over the last few years, she worked for companies offering wide portfolios of food and beverage products, including prepared and frozen foods. Lydia earned her Master of Science degree in Food Science from the University of Guelph.


Please join Bell Flavors & Fragrances in congratulating these new hires as they strengthen our commitment to delivering excellent service and care to our U.S. customers.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:
Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 100 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has nine manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, and China. Bell operates sales offices in more than 40 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.

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Bell Renews Strategic Partnerships to Drive Sustainability Commitments

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Renews Strategic Partnerships to Drive Sustainability Commitments


Global Flavors and Fragrances Company Dedicated to Corporate Sustainability

August 22, 2022 —

Bell’s Sustainability Program
Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a signatory member of the IFRA-IOFI Sustainability Charter, which is built around five focus areas: Responsible Sourcing, Environmental Footprint, Employee Well-Being, Product Safety, and Transparency. Whether it is by reducing use of finite resources, careful management of renewable resources, responsible employment practices, promoting leading-edge safety standards, or nurturing of relationships with stakeholders, customers and consumers, all aspects of a business value chain can benefit from a sustainable approach.

“Bell partners with suppliers and focuses on sustainability and responsible sourcing to provide solutions for customers and consumers that demand and expect transparency. Our company is committed to make a difference for the planet and customers – our passion for the environment drives us to protect its ecosystem use and the integrity of our supply chain,” states Diego Darquea C., Vice President of Global Flavor & Fragrance Quality, Compliance and Safety.

Bell has programs in place for supplier approval and validation for 3rd party certification requirements such as EcoVadis, Sedex and Safe Quality Food. Furthermore, through Bell’s culture of strong cooperation and win-win attitude, they are actively exploring the potential for certification or verification from accredited sustainability programs with supply chain partners (i.e., UEBT, Rain Forest Alliance/UTZ, ECOCERT).

Bell was recently awarded a silver medal in recognition of sustainability achievements by EcoVadis after completion of its audit at Bell’s global headquarters in Northbrook, Illinois. EcoVadis provides holistic sustainability rating that covers a range of systems including environmental, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. To date, Ecovadis has rated over 75,000 partners worldwide including some of the world’s largest organizations while positively impacting the environment and fostering transparency.

Safe Quality Food
Bell has partnered with the Safe Quality Foods Institute to showcase their commitment to a “culture of food safety and operational excellence in food safety management. The Safe Quality Food Program is a rigorous and credible food safety and quality program that is recognized by retailers, brand owners, and food service providers world-wide, recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative.” Bell is pleased to announce that for the 2021-2022 period, all of its four North America sites received an “Excellent” rating.

Bell is proud to continue their ongoing corporate membership with Sedex, the largest and most recognized ethical data exchange platform and audit program with over 55,000 members in 180 countries, across 35 industry sectors, including food, agriculture, financial services, clothing and apparel, packaging and chemicals. This voluntary, global certification is renewed annually, with Bell required to undergo a Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) performed at five site-specific levels, including Illinois (corporate headquarters), New York, Mexico, Canada and Germany. SMETA is one of the most widely used social audits in the world, conducted to understand labor and human relations conditions, such as the health and safety of workers.

U.S. Organic Certification
Each year, Bell certifies its organic flavors as a flavor manufacturing house that handles organic products prior to reaching consumers and store shelves. In order to be defined as organic, the flavors, botanicals and ingredients that Bell uses for final product applications must meet certain criteria and strict compliance standards, including growth and extraction without synthetic pesticides or GMO’s. Among other criteria, protein-producing animals are also treated properly and without the use of antibiotics or growth hormones. Bell currently produces over 200 certified organic flavors held to these high Quality Assurance International (QAI) and USDA standards.

European Union (EU) Organic Certification
In order to deliver a comprehensive portfolio of flavors fitting market needs and growing consumer demands for organic products, Bell EMEA (Europe) has carried out an organic certification for its European site. Bell offers a new designed range of organic certified natural source flavors and beverage compounds, enabling beverage manufacturers to meet the new EU organic regulations while delivering authentic taste properties such as orange, lemon, apple, lime or cola, among others. The range further aims to add value for manufacturers and brands that are highly committed in sourcing solely organic-certified raw materials and claiming to provide market products based on exclusively organic ingredients.

“With investing in organic certified product solutions, we are not only supporting our customers in developing EU-compliant organic products. We are further reflecting Bell’s ambition to target consumer’s health and wellness aspirations and to provide our customers with opportunities to engage with broader target groups while increasing their brand‘s own value,” said Antje Wittich, Head of Marketing Bell EMEA.

Sustainability Through the Supply Chain
Bell is proud to partner with suppliers and focus on sustainability and responsible sourcing in order to provide solutions for customers and consumers that demand transparency. Bell is committed to making a difference for the planet and its customers, and the passion for the environment and its employees drives the company to protect its ecosystem use and supply chain health and safety.

For more on Bell Flavors & Fragrances, visit or follow Bell Flavors & Fragrances on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

For media requests please contact David Banks, Senior Director of Marketing.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 100 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has nine manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, and China. Bell operates sales offices in more than 40 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – The Key Ingredient of Your Brand.

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Principal Flavorist Cyndie Lipka Joins Perfumer & Flavorist+ 2023 Advisory Board

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Principal Flavorist Cyndie Lipka Joins Perfumer & Flavorist+ 2023 Advisory Board


Seasoned Flavor Industry Professional Contributes Expertise to Leading B2B Media Publication

August 2, 2022 —

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Bell) congratulates our Principal Flavorist, Cyndie Lipka, on joining the 2023 Advisory Board of B2B media publication Perfumer & Flavorist+ (P&F+).

Lipka boasts nearly three decades of experience in the flavor industry with a focus on developing and duplicating elegantly layered flavors for a variety of markets, including confectionary, chewing gum, and beverages. A trained sensory panelist, Lipka is an active member of the Society of Flavor Chemists (SFC), Chemical Sources Association (CSA), Women in Flavor & Fragrance Commerce (WFFC) and FEMA.

An active voice in the industry for many years, she served as the Symposium Committee Chairman for the SFC Symposium in 2014. She is also a past President and Chairman of the Board for the Society of Flavor Chemists and Chemical Sources Association. In 2017, Lipka received the Flavorist of the Year Award from the WFFC.

Before joining the P&F+ Advisory Board, Lipka spent ten years as a member of the publication’s Organoleptic Characteristics of Flavor Materials panel. In 2022, she became the moderator of the monthly magazine column of the same name and will continue in this function.

In her new position as an Advisory Board member, Lipka will also draw on her extensive background to weigh in on newly released studies and proposed features for the magazine. She will further provide guidance on emerging trends and factors shaping the industry. Additionally, Lipka will contribute commentary to podcast programming published by P&F+.

A formal announcement on Cyndie Lipka’s new role will follow in P&F+’s January 2023 issue.

For more on Bell Flavors & Fragrances, visit or follow Bell Flavors & Fragrances on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

For media requests please contact David Banks, Senior Director of Marketing.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries, offering over 100 years of exceptional customer service and experience. Bell has nine manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, and China. Bell operates sales offices in more than 40 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace while constantly responding to emerging industry trends with solutions that bring added value and business opportunities to our customers.

About Perfumer & Flavorist+

A leading B2B media source, Perfumer & Flavorist+ supports global sensory excellence by providing in-depth, cutting-edge technical and business content for flavorists, perfumers and allied professionals to create winning profiles that build brands and connect with consumers.

 Bell Flavors & Fragrances – Get In Touch With Taste!

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Strategic Promotions and 
New Hires Strengthen the Fragrance Division

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Announces Promotions and New Hires to Strengthen the Fragrance Division


Global Flavors and Fragrances Company Enhances Focus on Fragrances Business with Top Talent


July 14, 2022 —

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Bell) is proud to announce a series of promotions and new hires within its Fragrance division.

“This leadership team will be integral to the design and delivery of our fragrance strategy to optimize the customer and consumer experience by closely linking Bell’s creative and technology resources with our customers’ brands,” said Deborah French Wright at Bell.

Roberto Olivi is the new Vice President, Fragrance Sales for Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. In his new leadership role, Roberto is responsible for designing and delivering the commercial strategies that will lead the Fragrance sales team to achieve Bell’s revenue and market growth targets, aligned with overall Fragrance Division strategy.

Roberto has held senior executive and management positions with Flavor & Fragrance companies in the US and globally. He brings extensive expertise in business development, client relationship building as well as strategic planning and execution. Roberto holds an MBA in Competitive and Organizational Strategy and Marketing, as well as a BA in Economics.


Marvel Fields has been promoted to take over the key role of Perfumery Director. Marvel will assume the leadership responsibilities to further develop and strengthen our creative and innovation strategies.  She will also provide guidance to the Fragrance Perfumery and Botanical Labs, while continuing her responsibilities as a Senior Perfumer, as time permits. Reporting to Marvel will be the Perfumery Team and the Botanical and Fragrance Lab Management.

Since joining Bell eight years ago, Marvel has contributed immensely to the Fragrance Creative Center. Prior to joining Bell, Marvel worked as a Perfumer for several prominent Fragrance & Flavor companies and was a former President of the American Society of Perfumers, and Chairman Emeritus.


Rose Casanova Gugliotta expands her leadership as Director of Fragrance Evaluation and Applications. In this role, Rose will assume the additional leadership responsibilities of managing both the Fragrance Application Labs and Evaluation.

Rose commands 16 years of experience in the cosmetic industry, and twelve years in fragrance development and olfactive strategy for all types of beauty products. She specializes in building brand identity through fragrance. Immediately prior to Bell, Rose led a team of fragrance evaluators at a global Flavor & Fragrance company for hair care and body care clients. Rose earned a BS in Biochemistry from Hofstra University and a MS in Chemistry from Northwestern University.


Renee King joins the Marketing team as a new Director of Marketing focused on the fragrance and botanicals divisions. Renee will create and execute new concepts, business models, and channels to position Bell as an innovator and leader in the flavor and fragrances industries. She will help build the Bell brand in the marketplace, expand our marketing reach, enhance product development, and drive strategy around the fragrance and botanical divisions.

Renee comes to Bell with over 20 years of experience in the beauty and fragrance world focused on marketing, evaluation, strategy, branding and development with global fragrance houses and CPG companies. She earned her Master’s of Science degree in Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing, cum laude, from the Fashion Institute of Technology.

This team of fragrance experts will be key to enhancing and executing Bell’s fragrance strategy and implementing innovative solutions to drive customer satisfaction. Please join Bell Flavors & Fragrances in congratulating these new appointments as they strengthen our commitment to delivering excellence to our customers worldwide.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:
Bell Flavors & Fragrances is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialities to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries.  Bell has nine manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, and China. Bell operates sales offices in more than 40 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace and enables Bell to bring new trends quickly to customers’ attention. Bell is positioned globally to service our customers regionally in order to meet their needs.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – Feel Nature’s Variety.

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New Hires Enter 
Key Positions at Northbrook Headquarters

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Announces New Hires to Key Positions at Northbrook Headquarters

International Company Continues Strategic Growth, Creates New Leadership Positions

June 21, 2022 —

In support of strategic growth efforts, Bell Flavors & Fragrances announces new hires, including newly created positions at company headquarters in Northbrook, Illinois. The new additions will strengthen leadership, efficiency, and oversight across departments such as Regulatory, Human Resources, Quality Systems, Analytical Sciences, and Sweet Applications.

Please join Bell Flavors & Fragrances in welcoming these new hires and wishing them a successful start in realizing Bell’s global commitment to excellence across our organization.

Bell F&F is pleased to welcome Kathleen Hoppie to its location in Northbrook, Illinois, as the new Senior Quality Systems Manager. She will be responsible for the development, implementation and auditing of Quality Systems (QS) and Prerequisite Programs related to SQF certification and customer audits. Kathleen provides great depth of knowledge on internal and external auditing, supplier management, and GFSI requirements.

Kathleen holds a Master’s Degree from Northwestern University in Quality Assurance and Regulatory Compliance.


Dr. Thomas Mangos joins the Northbrook Regulatory Team as Director of Regulatory Affairs – Flavors. His initial focus will be on the USDA/New Technology Regulatory product lines while also supporting some of the company’s other Regulatory programs such as Kosher, Halal, as well as Vendor Approval and Control.

Thomas holds a PhD in Food Science from the University of Hannover, Germany.



Katie Knapp strengthens the Sweet Applications Team in Northbrook with a primary focus on bakery and pastry clients in addition to supporting the broader team on confections and dairy desserts. Katie is a Certified Research Chef through the Research Chefs Association with a degree in Baking and Pastry from the Culinary Institute of America (CIA) in Hyde Park, New York.

Previously, she was the lead manager, pastry chef, and/or chocolatier for multiple high-end bakeries, chocolate/confectionery stores, and bread shops in the Wisconsin area. Katie is currently working toward a degree in food business leadership through the Culinary Institute of America online and relocating to Illinois from greater Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Bell F&F has secured Chris Curran for the newly-created position of Director of Human Resources, U.S. Working from the HR Department in Northbrook, Chris reports directly to Maureen West, Sr. Director, Global Human Resources to oversee HR policy and procedures for Bell F&F’s U.S. Operations. He will ensure strategic alignment of human resources policies and programs including talent acquisition, performance management, employee training and development, compensation, change management, benefits and employee relations.

Chris commands extensive experience at the Senior HR level with industry experience in manufacturing, market research, logistics and sales and distribution organizations. He has served in roles specializing in talent acquisition, performance management, and new hire onboarding.

Dr. Rama Rengarajan, PhD has joined Bell as the new Director of Analytical Sciences. He will be responsible for developing, implementing and executing strategic analytical plans for Bell. He will provide Bell’s collaborative teams, both local and internationally, with insights and extensive team buildingcapabilities, drawing on his understanding of Food Science / Physical Chemistry. Rama will lead, co-create and execute new analytical processes, methodologies and upgrade the department as needed for flavor and fragrances analytical needs.

Rama joins Bell with over 20 years of experience in Flavor & Consumer Products Companies (CPG). Rama has a successful track record of success with innovation and strategy team building, both with internal and external customers. He holds both a PhD in Grain Food Science and a Master’s of Science in physical chemistry from Kansas State.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:
Bell Flavors & Fragrances is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialities to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries.  Bell has nine manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, and China. Bell operates sales offices in more than 40 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace and enables Bell to bring new trends quickly to customers’ attention. Bell is positioned globally to service our customers regionally in order to meet their needs.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – get in touch with taste!

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Delphine Perdon Rupnow Inducted into American Society of Perfumers

Bell Flavors & Fragrances’ Delphine Perdon Rupnow Inducted into American Society of Perfumers (ASP)

Appointment to Premiere Industry Association in the United States Strengthens Fragrance Strategy

June 16, 2022 —

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (Bell) congratulates Delphine Perdon Rupnow, Perfumer, on being accepted into the American Society of Perfumers (ASP). Perdon Rupnow received her ASP Membership Certificate at the ASP business meeting in Spring 2022.

Perdon Rupnow joins the American Society of Perfumers following her three-year mentorship under Robert Siegel, Bell Senior Perfumer. Her appointment strengthens Bell’s global Fragrance strategy and reflects the company’s commitment to innovation, fostering its talent to create fragrances that consumers love.

“The ASP membership promotes agendas to educate, support and empower perfumers. Delphine’s inclusion in this society will offer her many opportunities to meet and consult with some of the most accomplished individuals in fragrance.  Congratulations on behalf on the entire Fragrance Creative Team on this achievement,” said Deborah French Wright, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Bell’s Fragrance division.

“On top of having been a Director of the Board of the American Society of Perfumers for over a year and leading their social media for three years, I am very proud to have graduated as a full member of this unique group of talented professionals. I also want to thank my mentor Robert Siegel at Bell, who taught me a lot and with whom I love sharing new and innovative ideas about Perfume Creation,” said Delphine Perdon Rupnow.

The main goal of the ASP is to foster and encourage the art and science of perfumery in the United States and to represent the community internationally. This is accomplished by promoting professional exchange with a high standard of conduct within the fragrance industry. Achieving these goals happens through multiple channels, networking and select events as well as co-sponsoring and developing co-relationships with other organizations.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialties to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries. Bell has nine manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, and China. Bell operates sales offices in more than 40 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace and enables Bell to bring new trends quickly to customers’ attention. Bell is positioned globally to service our customers regionally in order to meet their needs.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – get in touch with taste!

About The American Society of Perfumers

The American Society of Perfumers is a non-profit organization, founded in 1947, with a current membership of approximately three hundred qualified perfumers. The American Society of Perfumers has officers and a Board of Directors, who are nominated and voted into office by the membership to uphold the Bylaws and provide a vision for the future.

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Bell Flavors & Fragrances Announces Strategic Promotions at its Northbrook, IL and Middletown, NY Locations

Bell Flavors & Fragrances Announces Strategic Promotions at its Northbrook, IL and Middletown, NY Locations


Bell Flavors & Fragrances Enhances Global Strategy by Filling Key Leadership Positions with In-House Talent

June, 11, 2022 —

Bell Flavors and Fragrances is pleased to announce several promotions to strategic roles at company Headquarters in Northbrook, Illinois, as well as Middletown, New York. With the new appointments, the international company strengthens its global strategy across key segments such as manufacturing, quality control, finance, culinary and supply chain management.

Thom Heinz has been promoted to the position of Vice President, Vendor Management and Strategic Sourcing. In this new role, Thom will lead Global Vendor Management and Strategic Sourcing initiatives. He will proactively analyze emerging market and industry trends impacting raw material and sourcing strategies. This forward-looking approach will keep Bell F&F ahead of developing market and supply chain issues amid current changes. Thom will collaborate with Business Development and R&D to identify new approved sources of materials using innovative technologies.

Casey Schallert is the new Sr. Corporate Chef at Bell F&F, reporting directly to Chris Warsow, Sr. Director, Flavor Applications/Corporate Executive Chef.  Since joining Bell 3.5 years ago, Casey has served in multiple roles with increasing responsibilities on the Culinary Applications Team.  Most recently, Casey worked in the role of Corporate Chef during which she demonstrated strong commitment to cross-functional teamwork and technical expertise in flavors.


Sabrina Entwistle has been promoted to the role of Associate Director, Quality Systems. With the new position, Sabrina’s leadership role grows to include all the Quality, Continuous Improvement, and EH&S activities at the Middletown, New York, facility. A main responsibility of this key leadership position is to continue fostering our culture of continuous improvement at Middletown while embracing change management across all quality-related departments.


Ken Beecher now serves in the role of Associate Director, Manufacturing. In this new position, Ken’s leadership is expanding to include all the production activities at the Middletown, NY facility. His main focus lies with exceeding customer satisfaction goals while assuring compliance with employee safety, product quality, food safety and defense, regulatory, as well as employee conduct policies and procedures.


Mike Smith has been promoted to the position of SeniorDirector, Manufacturing-Fragrance at Middletown, NY. Mike will assume additional leadership responsibilities to develop and implement strategies, policies and procedures ensuring that the Middletown facility continues its success in operating effectively and efficiently. He will continue as the Middletown facility leader providing direction and guidance to the on-site team on a day-to-day basis. Mike will oversee continuous improvements at the Middletown facility while guiding change management.


Jake Pupillo has assumed the position of Director, Manufacturing – Flavors at the Northbrook, Illinois, facility. In this role, Jake will assume additional leadership responsibilities to develop and implement strategies, policies and procedures ensuring that the Northbrook manufacturing team embraces change management and operational efficiencies. Jake will continue his responsibilities as the Northbrook manufacturing leader providing direction and guidance to the Liquids, Spray Dry, Extractions, Dry Blending, and Reaction teams on a daily basis.

Zig Polak has been promoted to Senior Manager of Material, Planning, and Logistics – Flavors at Northbrook, IL. Zig will assume additional leadership responsibilities to develop and implement strategies, policies and procedures ensuring that the Northbrook warehouse, shipping and receiving teams operate effectively and efficiently through change management. On a day-to-day basis, Zig will continue his responsibilities as the Northbrook material, planning, and logistics leader providing direction and guidance to the warehouse, shipping, and logistics teams.


Mike Barron has received a promotion to the position of Senior Director, Information Technology. In this key role, Mike will lead the Bell Flavors & Fragrances in-house IT Technical Team in all activities, including programming, network configuration and support, as well as software evaluation, data security and integrity. His team also maintains the company’s IT help desk, and helps employees set up and maintain corporate devices such as computers, laptops and cell phones.


Allan Kaplan is the new Vice President, Finance, and will lead the Accounting Team in all activities, including financial statements, accounts receivable/payable, cash management, cost accounting, fixed assets, corporate accounting, and planning & budgeting. He will lead financial analyses of our overall global business and direct the Accounting Team in annual audit and tax preparation, insuring proper internal controls globally while evaluating pricing levels based on commodity cost movements. Allan will support the Capital Budget and spend process, secure appropriate business insurance, and oversee all other areas within the corporate financial structure.

Theresa Link has been promoted to the newly created position of Director of Cost Accounting. Theresa will lead the financial implementation of our new fully-costed product system. Theresa will also work closely with the Operations Team to evaluate specific direct labor and overhead costs assignable to each type of product produced. The team will also conduct time and motion studies as appropriate, and establish cost drivers for each product category (machine time, number of production processes, etc.) as the basis of certain cost allocations. She will also use this information to calculate appropriate Labor and Overhead rates to assign to each process.

Brian Enriquez is the new Senior Manager, Financial Reporting and Pricing at Bell Flavors & Fragrances based in Northbrook. In this role, Brian will continue to lead the pricing process on new products and formulation changes while working closely with R&D. Once the new Cost Accounting System is in place, his focus will switch from multiples of raw material cost to calculating appropriate margins on fully-absorbed product costs, including direct Labor and Overhead.


Madeleine van Overbeek has been promoted to the position of Senior Financial Analyst at the Northbrook facility. In this role, Madeleine will continue to provide analyses of the business in a variety of financial areas. Since joining Bell in 2019, Madeleine has not only performed valuable financial analyses and financial statement work, but also willingly assisted other areas of Finance when support was required.


Wesley Loyas
has received a promotion to the role of Quality Control Chemist. In this new role, Wes’ leadership is expanding to include a higher level of responsibility in the Quality Control Department at the Middletown facility with the focus to support the drive to exceed customer satisfaction goals. He is also in charge of assuring full compliance with employee safety, product quality, food safety and defense, regulatory, and employee conduct policies and procedures at the New York facility.


“I am personally very proud to welcome our newly promoted employees to their new titles and roles. We are able to promote from within, to fill these globally significant positions, as we continue to focus on growing our corporate learning and talent development.  Our investments in learning and development, will enable Bell to grow our employee engagement and customer experience with even greater success in the future,” said Ron Stark, President & CEO of Bell Flavors & Fragrances.

“This new wave of promotions is once again proof that our collaborative and innovation-driven company culture provides the mentorship and education for our team members to grow their personal skills and advance their careers,” said Maureen West, Senior Director of Global Human Resources of Bell Flavors & Fragrances.

About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:
Bell Flavors & Fragrances is a leading supplier of flavors, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialities to the food and beverage industry, as well as the household care and personal care industries.  Bell has nine manufacturing plants worldwide including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, and China. Bell operates sales offices in more than 40 countries. Bell’s global presence allows flexibility in the world marketplace and enables Bell to bring new trends quickly to customers’ attention. Bell is positioned globally to service our customers regionally in order to meet their needs.

Bell Flavors & Fragrances – get in touch with taste!

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Bell EMEA Fragrance Trends 2022/23

Bell EMEA Presents Fragrance Trends 2022/2023: Feel-Good Mood – Do It Yourself – A Need For Nature

Inspiration, endless opportunities and trends from all over the world – Spark is a global trend programme originated by Bell Flavors & Fragrances in 2021 to provide ideas and outlooks on flavours and fragrances that will delight consumers in the coming years. For the 2022/2023 season, Bell EMEA has once again created a range of inspirational new fragrances for personal and household care.

The “Feel-Good Mood” trend is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face, whereas “Do it Yourself” is designed to help you escape from the stress of everyday life. The final trend is “A Need for Nature”, which represents our longing for nature and completes the overall picture. It is all about positive thinking, finding ourselves and becoming one with nature. Bell’s perfumers have invested many hours in developing complex fragrance collections for body and household care products that reflect these three trends. Applications of the fragrance creations for personal care products range from shower gel and shampoo to creams and lotions. In household care, the trending fragrances come across best in liquid dishwashing detergents and fabric softener.

Feel-Good Mood

One topic has been keeping us in suspense for the last two years: The COVID-19 pandemic. Over time, it has not only become an indicator of how important our physical health is but has also increased the awareness of how essential our mental well-being is. People are desperately longing to feel joyful, happy and satisfied. This is exactly where “Feel-Good Mood” comes in. Consumer products that can boost your mood and trigger positive feelings are more in demand than ever. Suitable associated colours range from intense orange, yellow and pink to pastel hues from the same colour family. Olfactory profiles which can evoke the desired good mood are particularly sparkling citrus scents such as grapefruit or orange, juicy-summery fruit notes and floral nuances. “Feel-Good Mood” delivers a feeling of pure joy, like a confetti rain, that lifts your spirits and allows you to forget your worries for a short moment.

Do It Yourself

We live in times where everything has to happen fast. In our social media channels and all other areas of life, we are permanently being informed of the latest trends. We all feel like we practically need to run just to keep up. This is why more and more people are taking up leisure activities that offset the stress of everyday life and allow them to express themselves. “Do It Yourself” brings calm and inner balance. The trend ranges from baking cakes, repairing broken items and growing herbs to crafting products from natural materials. Another reason why “Do It Yourself” has become mainstream is raising environmental awareness in society. It is more sustainable to make things yourself or repair them than to buy new items. Soft and warm fragrance profiles embody this trend, complementing the calm and relaxed feeling many consumers are looking for.

A Need For Nature

The name of this trend says it all. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic at the latest, a new perception of nature has taken root. People are using nature as a refuge and a source of relaxation and well-being, as well as a location for little adventures. In these times of climate change, the appreciation of nature is taking on a whole new dimension. “A Need for Nature”, the third trend, is based on this development. Anyone who loves spending time in nature tends to surround themselves in daily life with personal and household care products that in a way have a connection to nature. The appropriate colours are shades of green and blue, which have a calming effect and immediately trigger associations of forests, meadows and lakes. It goes without saying that this can be transferred to the olfactory level using green, fresh forest-like and woody notes to take consumers on an imaginary walk through the woods. The fragrance range is rounded off with refreshing, watery scents that are reminiscent of mountain lakes or the sea.


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Tiny Particles, Great Effect

Eco-friendly encapsuled fragrances free from formaldehyde and micro plastics with Bell MikroBurst®

Consumers are increasingly demanding for high quality and sustainable goods in their daily life. Bell MikroBurst® represents an encapsulation technology that enables outstanding fragrance performance for eco-friendly household care products, while it also suits the strict restrictions of certified natural cosmetics.

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Bell Flavors & Fragrances announces new role and strategic promotions at its Northbrook location

Bell Flavors & Fragrances secures an integral role within the Savory team and announces new promotions within Quality Control and Flavor Creation.

Bell secures Peter Gollmer for key role of Director of Business Development – Savory

Bell is pleased to welcome Peter Gollmer to its headquarter location in Northbrook, IL. as Director of Business Development for Bell’s Savory business unit. He will be working within the company’s commercial team to accelerate growth in the clean label savory flavor category, optimizing Bell Flavor technologies while working closely with the culinary and sales teams.

Peter brings 30 years of food industry experience in the natural, organic and savory segment spanning manufacturing, product development, culinary, sales, and marketing with industry leaders such as Campbell’s, Diana Naturals, Activ International and Givaudan.

New promotions at Bell Northbrook

Bell is excited to announce the promotion of Emine Pargov to the position of Quality Control Manager. Emine has served in multiple roles of increasing responsibilities within the Quality Department since joining the company seven years ago.

In this leadership role, Emine will manage the Quality Control team by overseeing the daily operations and tasks required to review, approve and implement necessary procedures to comply with customer specifications.  She will also work with Quality Systems to develop, implement and maintain SOP’s necessary to ensure the organization maintains SQF certification, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), the HACCP program, and ensure compliance with legislation.

Bell is pleased to announce the promotion of Nicolas Poulin to the position of Production Manager.  Nick has served in multiple roles within the Fragrance and Research & Development departments since joining Bell five years ago.  Most recently, Nick has served in the role of Analytical Chemist Fragrance Lab Manager and began his career with Bell as a Fragrance Laboratory Technician.

In this critical leadership role, Nick will manage production activities at Bell’s headquarters location in Northbrook to exceed customer satisfaction goals while assuring employee safety, product food safety and quality policies and procedures are met.

Bell is excited to announce the promotion of Dana Chen to Principal Creative and Commercialization Flavorist. In this role, Dana will focus on commercialization, industrialization/integration, creative technical innovation, and training of junior Flavorists. She will execute projects for Bell’s research and development team, operations, regulatory, and be a key player in communication between R&D, Sales, Operations, Purchasing & Quality.

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So Fresh and so Clean – A New Smell of Purity

Bell EMEA Presents Unconventional Fragrance Compositions for Laundry Care

Laundry care experiences a wave of impulses on a technological level. But also olfactory-wise, consumers’ demand for more than just clean garments. The covid-19 pandemic has pushed the focus of laundry chores in making sure that clothes are also sanitised and disinfected. At the same time, convenient formats like pods gain a momentum. The continued interest in fragrances indicates that innovative products with unusual scents and innovative application possibilities are being positively received by consumers. For instance, seasonal and innovative fragrances from personal care, such as rhubarb, can pique consumer interest and encourage purchases. Bell’s new fragrances for laundry care cover sanitisers, liquid detergents and pods, promising a new olfactory experience beyond the well-tried.

Sanitising and Disinfection to Become Key

Similar to other spheres, laundry care is facing an unseen awareness for hygiene. Therefore, demand for laundry sanitisers and detergents that claim to sanitise and/or disinfect the garments is expected to rise in the coming years. Consumer education will never be so high in relation to home hygiene when the covid-19 pandemic abates. This will undoubtedly push improved hygiene cleaning practices well into the future. Consequently, consumers will be prioritising purchases of products with a “disinfectant” or “hygienic” component.

With a broad range of new laundry care fragrances, Bell combines consumers’ demand for a new cleanliness with the desire for innovative scents. Bell’s perfumers developed sophisticated fragrances that may push laundry sanitisers on a new olfactory level. Perfumistic compositions such as “Kiss of Art”, “Infinity” or “Midsummer Dream” invite on a fantastic journey combining familiar green and floral notes with newcomers like rhubarb.

Unconventional Fragrances to Attract Consumers

Besides disinfectants, concentrated liquid detergents and liquid tablet detergents (pods) are the most dynamic product categories within laundry care in Western Europe (Mintel). Both saw positive growth in the majority of markets in 2019/20. Especially, pods continued to gain momentum, recording strong retail volume and current value growth as more affluent consumers looked to this convenient format that reduces the mess, wastage and spillage factors of traditional formats.

At the same time, it is not only the functional aspects, where consumers’ expectations are on the rise. Brands also need to fulfill consumers’ desire for extraordinary and new fragrance experiences. Bell’s new laundry care fragrances stick out of the familiar, but still remain rooted in consumers’ general preferences. Fragrance’s names like “Wild Garden”, “Green Cottage” or “Amazing Forest” mirror the floral, green or woody character of the compositions, but also reflect the sense of the unconventional coming with these fragrances. Last but not least, compositions like “Romantic Moment” and “Lovely Miss” address those who are looking for more sensual floral or even sweet directions.

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Bell Flavors & Fragrances Employees Inducted into the American Society of Perfumers

Bell Flavors & Fragrances is pleased to announce Perfumer, Delphine Perdon Rupnow has been named Apprentice Director for the Board of the American Society of Perfumers.  Additionally, Bell’s Fragrance Evaluation Manager, Melissa Scharoff, was accepted as an Apprentice in the American Society of Perfumers earlier this year.

The American Society of Perfumers
The American Society of Perfumers is a non-profit organization, founded in 1947, with a current membership of approximately three hundred qualified perfumers. The American Society of Perfumers has officers and a Board of Directors, who are nominated and voted into office by the membership to uphold the Bylaws and provide a vision for the future. The main goal of the American Society of Perfumers is to foster and encourage the art and science of perfumery in the United States and to represent our community internationally. The membership promotes agendas to educate, support and empower Perfumers and offer many opportunities to meet and consult with some of the most accomplished individuals in fragrance.

Delphine Perdon Rupnow named Apprentice Director to The American Society of Perfumers
In Delphine’s role at American Society of Perfumers, she will be responsible in supporting the society in a variety of capacities, such as offering her leadership on their social media platforms and in board meetings. In addition, the new by-laws have shortened the Apprentice Perfumer program from five years to three, which will make Delphine a full member in January 2022.

Delphine states, “I am thrilled of having been appointed Apprentice Director of the American Society of Perfumers, and I will serve the society as best as I can for the upcoming year. As a Perfumer, it is truly an honor to be part of such a renowned group of professionals, and I also would like to thank my company and my colleagues for supporting me in this new role.

Melissa Scharoff accepted as Apprentice of The American Society of Perfumers
Accepted in January 2021 as an Apprentice of the American Society of Perfumers, Melissa will be confirmed as a full member January 2024. Currently Melissa is training with Bell Senior Perfumer, Steve Orson and Bell’s entire Perfumery team over the next several years, working to become a Perfumer herself.

Melissa states, “Since getting started in the fragrance industry, I have always aspired to be a Perfumer and I am thrilled to be taking a step towards achieving that goal. By joining the American Society of Perfumers, I am excited for the opportunity to join a truly unique and talented community that constantly looks at the balance of art and science.”


About Bell Flavors & Fragrances:
Bell Flavors & Fragrances is a leading supplier of flavours, fragrances, botanical extracts and ingredient specialities to the beverage and food industry, as well as the household care and personal care industry. Bell‘s affiliated companies in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, China and Singapore give the company flexibility in the world market place and enable Bell to bring new trends quickly to customers’ attention.


Bell Flavors & Fragrances – get in touch with taste!

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The Bell Familiy – Junior Perfumer Elisa

#WomenInScience: Elisa Tzedakis.

On the occasion of the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science and Technology” we would like to introduce one of our female Junior Perfumers.

Originally from France and holding a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and a Master’s degree in Science and Perfumery, Elisa Tzedakis finally completed her perfumery apprenticeship at Bell in Leipzig. Read how she pursued her goal of a career in fragrances with passion and discipline for many years.

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Fragrance Trends 2020 – 2021

Fragrance Trends 2020/21 by Bell Flavors & Fragrances EMEA

The inspiration for the fragrance trends 2020/21 is as familiar as it is mysterious: our fascinating planet. Based on three trend themes, the perfumers of Bell Flavors & Fragrances EMEA have created distinct olfactory interpretations for personal and household care products. “Ocean Vibes” symbolizes the origin of life on Earth. “Australian Inspiration” celebrates the island continent, which is a magical destination for many people. The “Planet Lover” trend brings it all full circle. It is dedicated to fragrances that help preserve this beauty.  


Ocean Vibes

Soft sand under your feet. White crests that call to you. An expanse to the horizon. The depth that is home to the unknown. No other landscape pulls at you quite like the sea because it fills us with joy and is still teeming with secrets! “Ocean Vibes” moves right between happiness and mystery. A drop originates in spheres where luminous deep-sea creatures light the way. From there the bubble rises to the surface, joins the other millions and becomes a rolling wave, that carries everything in its path right to the coast. There the wave breaks and all that’s left are shimmering shells it washed up on the beach. The fragrance compositions of the “Ocean Vibes” are just as varied as the oceans, ranging from delicate light notes and lively fresh ones to those of vibrating radiance.


Australian Inspiration

Ranked among popular travel destinations and most recently in the cosmetics industry as A-Beauty, Australia is in vogue. The rugged outback, unique diving and surf spots, lively cities and a relaxed, positive attitude – these are typical associations with Australia. The trend fragrances with the theme “Australian Inspiration” take up these images and feelings and invite you on an olfactory journey across the impressive continent. On the one hand, fresh eucalyptus, soft sandalwood and warm herbal notes with leathery animal tones evoke the red earth of the inland with its exotic animals and mystical places like Uluru. On the other hand, light, fruity and floral fragrances provide a tangy contrast. Just like the metropolis of Sydney, they combine the feeling of pulsating vitality with the beauty of flowering gardens and the light-hearted lifestyle on one of the breathtaking sandy beaches.


Planet Lover

Sustainability and environmental friendliness are not only important, but they are also far-reaching ideas. For years, many fragrances of Bell EMEA have complied with the high standards of renowned ecolabels. With the “Planet Lover” trend Bell now focuses on another aspect of sustainability and translates it into fragrances. And in this case, less is more. This means keeping the number of ingredients on a minimal scale while still developing an exciting and balanced creation. Of course, this increases the development effort and brings new, complex challenges for our perfumers. But it’s worth it. Eventually, this approach is not just a way to save resources when it comes to ingredients. It also reduces other factors that can harm the environment, e.g. packaging and the amount of transport needed. After all, we want our planet to remain a beautiful place for generations to come.


The creations of the Fragrance Trends 2020/21 are vegan and free from microplastics. Following the European regulation on cosmetic products, no animal tests have been carried out for their manufacture. All these attributes make them cutting-edge products that deliver an inspiring and environmentally friendly fragrance experience. To further expand the application fields of the trend fragrances, Bell’s perfumers are currently developing perfume oils that are suitable for certified natural cosmetics.


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Breathe. Escape. Enjoy.

Bell EMEA presents Air Care Trends 2021/22.

The latest collection for candles and reed diffusers reflects the spirit of our time: The compositions underline the desire for inner harmony as well as the longing to escape and simply relax. In keeping with this ambivalence between quiet reflection and exuberant longing for the strange and surprising, Bell’s trends for the 2021/22 air care season come with the slogan “Breathe. Escape. Enjoy.”

In addition to current trend fragrances, manufacturers in the candle business can benefit from Bell’s many years of technical expertise. The company supplies the fragrances in both classic liquid perfume oil as well as in the specially developed, solid candle base Scenti Master Batch. Read more about this below.


The more turbulent and uncertain the times are, the more important the private sphere becomes. People focus on the essentials: family, home, community. Taking a deep breath, looking back, and exploring new paths characterizes contemporary life styles. A peaceful environment is a strong incentive and can help generate new strength. Natural materials like wood, untreated cotton and soft fabrics express this feeling as much as soft, neutral colors. Bell’s perfumers have created an olfactory interpretation of this feeling of well-being with extremely elegant fragrances. Lily of the valley and fig unfold in the fragrances “Midnight Lounge” for candles and “Fallen” for reed diffusers with an unusual lightness and freshness. No less noble are the candle fragrances “Deep Inside” and “Chillout Cloud” for reed diffusers: Supported by, among other things, jasmine and sandalwood, they communicate the imperfect beauty that the theme contains.



There is also a deep longing for something far away. Much like homesickness, wanderlust drives people to search for inner fulfilment. Escaping the daily grind, looking to mysterious, distant lands, and also the origins of one’s own homeland satisfies the strong desire for freedom and responds to the deep inner thirst for fulfilment. The warm fragrances that reflect this feeling are characterized by earthy and spicy notes. The candle scents “Lost in the Woods” and “Be the Change” dive into the richness of the world and with cinnamon and woody notes on the one hand and an aldehydic lavender composition with a minty top note on the other hand, both of these fragrances represent an intermingling of cultures and rituals. Bells perfumers have reimagined the theme for reed diffusers with creations called “New Beginning” and “Wanderlust”.



Ultimately everything is a question of personal preference. Realizing the limited nature and uniqueness of your own life as well as enjoying it to the fullest. Psychologists all agree: The most satisfied are all those who accept life and all its ups and downs and still manage to maintain their positive attitude. Moreover, fireworks of vibrant and bright colors, which are the essence of life, shine all the brighter in the dark. Featuring the fragrance of ripened peaches, red berries or even orange, prickly pear, and lychee, the scents “Peach Life” and “My little Cactus” show how lively and intense this hunger for life can smell in a candle. The reed fragrances “Tropisoul” and “Summer Fun”, with mango, jasmine, pineapple and grapefruit, capture the cheerful lightness of summer.


Scented candles are one of Bell’s core strengths. With Scenti Master Batch, the company offers a fragrance system that has been specially developed for the specific requirements associated with this application.

The intensity of scented candles in particular can be significantly improved with Scenti Master Batch. For example, the carrier material supports a dosage over 5 per cent. At the same time, the fragrance oil is bonded in a way that prevents the oil from separating, thus significantly increasing the longevity of the product. This means consumers can enjoy the benefits of a candle that releases its scent only after it has been lit. Last but not least, scented candles manufactured with Scenti Master Batch stand out due to their extremely efficient and even burning.

Scenti Master Batch is available either as a block or as pastilles. The latter is particularly easy to process as a bulk material and due to its lower melting point and, as a non-flammable material, can be stored very easily. Learn More Here


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Naturally Sophisticated

Bell EMEA Presents Modern Fragrance Creations for Natural Cosmetics.

The international natural and organic cosmetics industry is evolving like hardly any other consumer goods industry – and with it the scent preferences of consumers. Sophisticated fragrance profiles with fresh, spicy or creamy notes are in vogue. Inspired by current trends, Bell Flavors & Fragrances EMEA presents a modern collection of natural perfume oil compositions. These new scent creations are suitable for certified natural and organic cosmetics, from shower gel to shampoo and skin cream. Bell’s perfumers have developed the fragrances according to the standards of NATRUE, COSMOS NATURAL and COSMOS ORGANIC.

Booming Natural Cosmetics

The demand is greater than ever for cosmetic products made from natural ingredients. The industry has been recording strong growth rates for years, especially in the DACH Region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), the USA and France. The German market recorded an increase in sales of 9.5% in 2019 (source: Statista). This gives certified natural and organic cosmetics a market share of almost 10% of the German cosmetics market. If industry experts are right, the market potential remains far from exhausted.

Alongside this rapid development, trends and topics that appeal to consumers are also evolving. A few years ago, it was product concepts and scents with purely fruity, floral or herbal characteristics that were widespread and popular. Today, consumers of natural cosmetics are much more discerning and expect more diverse fragrance profiles. This is a preference which at times presents a major challenge for perfumers due to the much smaller range of raw materials available in the natural cosmetics sector compared to synthetic fragrances.


Refreshing like Clear Water

One of the most popular as well as olfactorily challenging types of fragrances are those with watery notes. They are particularly in demand for moisturising and refreshing body and face care products, yet must be created with a very limited range of raw materials. The skilful use of fresh accords, such as minty notes, creates an aquatic-fresh scent – purely with the resources of nature. Bell perfumer Benjamin Bienek explains his approach to fragrance development as follows:

“For me, water is refreshing and invigorating, yet also elegant and graceful. In my composition “Minty Splash NatScent” I used the refreshing properties of mint, as well as notes of lively watermelon to olfactorily represent the cool, invigorating side of water. I underline water’s graceful elegance with a balsamic base of vanilla, patchouli & cistus”.

Benjamin Bienek, Perfumer, Bell EMEA


Relaxing like a Walk in the Woods

Fresh and green fragrances do also meet the current demands. Notes inspired by eucalyptus, cactus or aloe vera, which are widely used in cosmetics, are gender-neutral and suitable for every season. Ingredients from trees such as birch or cedar can be used as a source of inspiration for fragrance development, as well as to create a story around a personal care product. The Japanese wellness trend “Forest Bathing” (Jap. “Shinrin Yoku” = take a bath in the atmosphere of the forest) is currently making its way to Europe and promises mental relaxation and stress reduction. With reference to this calming ritual, Bell calls one of the woodland creations “Forest Therapy NatScent”. When developing this fragrance, the perfumer, Justyna Dehne-Degenkolb, was inspired by the soothing atmosphere of the forest. “I imagined myself standing in the middle of a forest clearing. Surrounded by the subtle smell of white birch bark, I could forget the hectic everyday life for a moment. The scent is fresh and green, but at the same time warm and relaxing,” reports Ms. Dehne-Degenkolb, who has a special fondness for composing natural fragrances.

Creamy like Skin Protecting Milk

Moreover, health-enhancing micro-organisms have found their way into the world of cosmetics, having first gained recognition in the nutrition industry: Probiotics are considered a way to guarantee good skin health as they balance the natural skin flora. The ingredient, primarily derived from lactic acid bacteria, is particularly suited to skin-protecting and skin-soothing creams and lotions. In keeping with this trend, Bell’s new fragrance collection contains milky creations – on the one hand a pampering creamy gourmand note, on the other a sophisticated accord that highlights natural aspects. The latter, called “Nature’s Milk NatScent”, evokes associations with the milky sap that escapes when plant stems are cut. Thereby, the perfumer reinterprets the milk theme in a surprising way.


Invigorating like Exotic Spices

Stimulating and spicy compositions complement the portfolio of natural fragrances. Far Eastern spices such as sweet and fresh cardamom are the inspiration for invigorating fragrance profiles, particularly suited to vitalising shower gels and body lotions. Some of these exotic treasures have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can be beneficial for face care products. One example of this is turmeric root, which Ayurvedic medicine has valued for its healing powers for thousands of years. In “Kurkumissimo NatScent”, perfumer Elisa Tzedakis translated the golden spice’s naturally rather subtle scent into an aromatic composition.


“My idea was to develop a very spicy fragrance that reflects the turmeric root’s healing powers. To open this composition, I chose other precious spices such as cardamom, ginger and nutmeg to intensify the exotic aroma and lend the composition a sparkling touch. In the heart, along with the turmeric, notes of jasmine and orange blossom give the spicy facets a round and sensual aspect. The drydown of vanilla and cedarwood provides a remaining sensual and soothing feeling, to give comfort, along with the spicy energy, which is ideal in those currents times. With this accord, I would like to enhance people’s feelings of peace and energy in their everyday lives”.

Elisa Tzedakis, Perfumer, Bell EMEA


All perfume oil compositions are vegan and suitable for use in certified natural cosmetic products according to standards set by NATRUE, COSMOS NATURAL and COSMOS ORGANIC. From shower gel and shampoo to body lotion and facial cream, the natural perfume oils can be used for various applications. The fragrance collection is complemented by a selection of organic plant extracts, which can be claimed on cosmetic products to underline the nature-based formulation.

Request our Fragrance Concept


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Spark Trends for 2020 unveiled

Bell Flavors & Fragrances is excited to begin the sixth year of its Spark trends program and has unveiled key trends that will lead the way to new innovations within the flavor and fragrance industry, while also looking at the past five year’s trends. Spark is Bell’s insider resource for new and emerging consumer trends as well as flavor and fragrance inspirations. The Spark trends platform at Bell is the origin of imagination. It’s the source of what’s possible. It’s the essence of creativity and the future of what’s to come in the flavor and fragrance industry.  It’s a guide to what’s next and what will be seen by the everyday consumer.

Looking back at the past five years of Bell’s Spark trends platform, the path traveled tells a lot about where they’ve come from and where they are heading on this trend-driven journey. Bell stays ahead of this rapidly changing tech-savvy world by understanding their consumer at the deepest level possible by analyzing market data. This year, Bell’s five Spark trends fall under a theme of concepts that once were not easily within reach, but with the fast and ever-changing marketplace, a new level of access has made them obtainable to the everyday consumer. Moving into 2020, Bell has taken the time to review the past five years of Spark and see how their trend predictions have performed and evolved.

The flavor trends within this years’ Spark program include seeking out the rarest and most authentic ingredients of the world. Consumers are becoming more mindful, not only paying attention to what they eat, but how and why they do it. The crossroads of cooking methodologies and ingredients are visited through the indigenous flavors of South East Asia as well the appreciation for the environment that helps grow the florae that is gathered for consumption in foraging. Cannabis, once illegal, is now permeating all areas of society, from medical to culinary.

This years’ fragrance Spark trends will look to new luxury, taking inspiration from fashion, art and music as well as holistic beauty routines from the inside-out and being mindful of the environmental impact. In today’s society, anything goes, from the hyper-masculine to hyper-feminine, encompassing and experimenting with everything in between in a non-judgmental manner while multi-sensorial engagement and technology help delve deeper into the different dimensions of fragrance. Ingredients and concepts that were once considered vices or even forbidden, are being used to bring complexity and beauty to fragrance.

Bell is looking forward to a new decade, with a new set of innovational Spark trends.

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Sustainable Please

Bell EMEA presents botanical extracts for environmentally friendly products.

Botanical extracts have long been an integral part of the portfolio of Bell Flavors and Fragrances EMEA. Now the company has developed a series of botanicals that focus on sustainability.

The result is this range of extracts from cocoa shells, coffee cherry husk, chamomile and dyer’s woad.

Throughout the entire process, the company’s experts have focused on the most environmentally friendly, resource-efficient production possible without compromising on quality. The newly developed extracts are particularly suitable ingredients for products aimed at the growing number of consumers who want to shop and live more sustainably.

“Our customers’ enquiries show an increased demand for extracts that are produced in an environmentally friendly way. This is no longer just about the organic quality of the raw materials used. Our approach is much more holistic. It involves considerably more factors in the overall process, from packaging and storage to extraction and composting of the plants used.”

Dr. Torsten Blitzke, Manager Botanical Extracts, Bell EMEA


Download Press Release (pdf) – English
Download Press Release (pdf)  – German

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New Line of Cannabis & Terpene Flavors and Fragrances

Bell Flavors & Fragrances is excited to announce its full line of cannabis-inspired and terpene flavors and fragrances. These are specifically designed to recreate the flavor and aroma of familiar terpenes, such as Linalool and Limonene, as well as well as popular cannabis strains like Blackberry Kush, Blue Dream, and Pineapple Express. This line is not derived from the cannabis plant and does not contain any active ingredients, such as CBD or THC.

Bell has also engineered technologies to supplement the application of this line of flavors and fragrances. Through Bell’s proprietary research, it was discovered that while consumers have differing opinions in regards to the taste and smell of cannabis, many still want the functional benefits that the plant provides. For this reason, Bell has developed a range of flavor maskers and enhancers to neutralize or enrich the taste and smell of cannabis, while maintaining the functional integrity of the plant.

As states throughout the United States legalize medical and recreational marijuana, the cannabis market continues to rapidly expand. According to, the overall CBD market is expected to increase from $292M in 2016 to $2.15B in 2021. While the U.S. Cannabis market is expected to grow to $25B by 2025. The versatility of the product plays a key contributing factor in the overall growth, as there are a variety of vehicles that consumers use to ingest cannabis other than smoking. The leading alternatives amongst US & Canadian consumers are Food, Vitamins, Supplements, Cosmetics, Fragrances, and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The significant growth projections are backed by the three major purchasing generations, Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers, all supporting the legalization of marijuana throughout the United States.

Interested parties can use the link below to download a FREE Cannabis educational infographic –

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Bell at SEPAWA 2019

Bell EMEA Presents Latest Technology Developments and Environmentally Friendly Fragrances at the 2019 SEPAWA Congress

From 23 to 25 October Bell Flavors & Fragrances EMEA presents environmentally friendly fragrances as well as latest technology developments at SEPAWA Congress in Berlin. This year, they put the focus on the efficient and sustainable use of resources that enables first-class products, and at the same time help to protect the environment.

The creation of inspiring fragrances is part of the core business of Bell Flavors & Fragrances EMEA. The company is steadily working on improving its established products to meet the growing demands for functionality and environmental compatibility. Therefore, the Leipzig-based company is now introducing concepts revolving around natural or particularly environmentally friendly fragrances.

To consistently pursue the aspect of sustainability, Bell is also developing its technologies accordingly. They now created a version of their encapsulation system Bell MikroBurst®, that is made of natural ingredients only. In the segment of fine fragrances, sustainability is of increasing importance, too. Here a silicone-free version of the perfume cream Scent2Last was developed. Both applications offer well-known advantages in terms of performance.