Sustainability Management

Our Approach

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. is a signatory member of the IFRA-IOFI Sustainability Charter, which is built around five focus areas: Responsible Sourcing, Environmental Footprint, Employee Well-being, Product Safety, and Transparency. Whether it is by reducing use of finite resources, careful management of renewable resources, responsible employment practices, promoting leading-edge safety standards, or nurturing of relationships with stakeholders, customers and consumers, all aspects of a business value chain can benefit from a sustainable approach.


Bell measures its water usage and looks for opportunities to use water more efficiently on an ongoing basis. For example, we have implemented storm water pollution prevention measures to reduce our operations impact on storm water discharges.


Bell takes active measures to minimize waste, and handle all waste generated in a safe, legal, and responsible way. We use recycled materials in new packaging where possible, and recycle corrugated and empty drums. Bell reviews the sustainability practices of waste haulers during the selection process, and tracks all of its waste generation activities.

Energy & Emissions

We take measures to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, and we track our carbon footprint using the GHG Protocol. Bell employs a variety of energy-saving activities, and routinely looks for opportunities to minimize air pollution and manage our carbon footprint. In recent years we have been converting high wattage light fixtures to energy efficient LED fixtures; replaced inefficient HVAC units; and increased the use of teleconferencing to reduce travel.

Supply Chain

Bell, contractually and in good faith, holds suppliers to very high standards regarding manufacturing processes, a sanitary work environment, and human rights. We require documentation from suppliers and brokers to ensure we are meeting the needs of customers; confirming product quality; requiring that our suppliers comply with applicable regulations; and satisfying food safety requirements.

2023 Annual Canadian Report – Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act

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Rapport annuel 2023 Canada – Lutte contre les travaux forcés et le travail des enfants dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement

Cliquez ici pour accéder au document PDF